Paths Untaken

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The Vaqueros' base was a hive of activity as Ghost, Soap, and Alejandro returned with (y/n) after the crash. The tension in the air was palpable, a mixture of relief for their safe return and concern for (y/n)'s condition. The medics swiftly took charge, wheeling (y/n) away on a stretcher to the medical facility.

Ghost's eyes followed (y/n) until she disappeared from sight, his heart heavy with worry. He had witnessed the extent of her injuries—the collapsed lung and broken rib—and the gravity of the situation weighed heavily on him. But Ghost's inner turmoil prevented him from expressing his concern or seeking her presence. He couldn't bear the thought of becoming emotionally attached, especially when he knew the dangers they faced in their line of work.

With a resolute determination, Ghost distanced himself from (y/n) even in her unconscious state. He convinced himself that it was for the best, that keeping a professional distance was necessary to protect himself and the team.

(y/n) finally woke from her unconscious state, she found herself met with the comforting presence of Soap by her side. A weak smile graced her lips as she recognized his familiar face, grateful for his unwavering support.

"Johnny?" (y/n) rubbed her eyes. She reached up to her neck, instinctively searching for her scarf. However, her fingertips met bare skin, and unease washed over her.

Soap's smile widened as he noticed (y/n) stirring awake. He approached her bedside, a sense of relief evident in his expression. With a gentle gesture, he reached into his pocket and pulled out her scarf. Holding it out to her, he spoke softly, "Hey, glad to see you awake. Thought you might be missing this." (y/n) looked up at Soap, gratitude shining in her eyes, as she accepted the familiar fabric, wrapping it around her neck with a sense of comfort and familiarity.

"Thanks, Tavish," (y/n) smiled gratefully, putting her scarf on. Soap couldn't help but roll his eyes at the nickname she used.

"You're welcome, Scarf Queen. Just glad to have you back with us."

(y/n) chuckled softly, appreciating the lighthearted banter that had become a part of their dynamic.

"I'm okay, sore but nothing I haven't felt before," (y/n) made an attempt to stretch, "so what happened?"

"I'm glad to hear you're okay, even if you're a little sore," Soap replied, offering a supportive hand as (y/n) attempted to stretch. "Well, not a lot has happened since the crash. We brought you back to the Vaqueros base, and the medics have been caring for you."

As (y/n) tried to sit up, Soap assisted her, ensuring she was comfortable.

"The crash was rough, but we're all just grateful you're here now. You were out for almost a week. We couldn't salvage much from your plane, but don't worry, we'll make sure you're back in action soon enough." Soap's voice held a mixture of relief and concern, his eyes conveying his genuine care for (y/n) and her well-being. Despite their harsh circumstances, he was determined to support her in any way he could.

"Almost a week? Wow, I must have been completely out of it," (y/n) chuckled weakly, wincing at the discomfort in her body. "But I appreciate you being here with me, Johnny. It means a lot." She mustered a grateful smile, feeling a mix of relief and gratitude for his presence during her recovery

No problem. Gaz and I have been taking shifts. ," Soap reassured, his voice filled with genuine concern. He gently rubbed (y/n)'s head, offering a comforting gesture.

"Did anyone else come to see me?" (y/n) shifted in the bed, a hint of curiosity and concern in her voice.

Soap hesitated for a moment, his expression turning slightly conflicted. He glanced at (y/n), contemplating how to respond. Finally, he sighed softly and decided to be honest.

Specter's Redemption |Ghost x Reader|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ