First Glimpse

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The crash had left a trail of chaos and uncertainty in its wake. (Y/n)'s plane lay in a smoldering wreckage, its twisted metal a testament to the fierce impact. As the dust settled, the gravity of the situation became apparent.

Soap wasted no time in contacting Price while running towards the direction of the crash. The urgency in his voice conveyed the severity of the situation. Price acknowledged the distress call, assuring Soap that help was on the way.

As Soap made his way toward the wreckage of the crashed plane, his heart was pounding. The chaos and destruction surrounding him only fueled his panic as he desperately hoped that (y/n) had survived the crash. He had been through this before, having witnessed her fake her death with a similar plane crash, but this time felt different.

As he approached the wreckage, he spotted Ghost already searching for (y/n) amidst the twisted metal and debris. Ghost's frantic movements only added to Soap's anxiety as he called out for his teammate, hoping for a response.

Ghost suddenly stopped, his gaze fixated on something amidst the wreckage. Soap hurried over to find (y/n) lying motionless, her body crushed beneath the wreckage.

The weight of the situation hit Soap like a ton of bricks as he scrambled to free her from the debris. He ignored the pain from his own injuries as he worked to carefully extract her, his hands trembling with fear and adrenaline. Ghost was taken aback by Soap's sudden urgency and the tears streaming down his face. Ghost sprang into action, helping Soap lift the heavy debris off (y/n) to free her from the wreckage.

As they uncovered her, their hearts sank at her exposed face. The damage to her helmet had left her vulnerable, her identity bare for anyone to see. Soap's heart ached at the thought of (y/n) despising the fact that so many eyes could now witness her face, something she had always kept hidden.

Frantically searching through his pockets, Soap's hands trembled as he sought something to cover (y/n)'s face with a desperate attempt to shield the one secret she tried so hard to keep.

It was the first time Ghost had seen her face, unmasked and unguarded. Time seemed to slow as Ghost gazed upon her. He took in every detail, every line and curve of her features, etching them into his memory.

Soap cursed under his breath, frustration etched on his face as he realized he had nothing at hand to shield (y/n)'s exposed face.

"Hold on" Ghost put a hand on Soap's chest.

Ghost retrieved an extra balaclava from his pocket, delicately removing her damaged helmet and placing the balaclava over her head. It was a gesture of care and protection, a small act in the grand scheme of things, but one that carried deep meaning for Ghost.

Soap stood nearby, his eyes fixed on Ghost as he observed the tenderness with which his teammate handled (y/n).

Sensing Soap's gaze upon him, Ghost composed himself and spoke with a determined voice, breaking the momentary silence.

"Get her to the car Johnny. Price won't make it in time."

Soap nodded before picking (y/n) up. As Soap carried (y/n) towards the vehicle, a flicker of realization danced across his mind. The way Ghost's eyes lingered on (y/n), the tenderness in his touch as he covered her face. A smile tugged at the corners of Soap's lips as he realized that something was going on between them.

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