Deceptive Privacy

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"I'll give you two some space," Price stated before exiting the tent. However, his claim of providing them privacy was a deceptive one. He discreetly moved to the corner of the tent, ensuring that he could still hear the conversation without being seen.

"I have no time for your games, (y/n). I could have you arrested for treason right now, considering all the trouble you've caused me." Price's brows furrowed in response to Shepherd's statement. What kind of trouble could (y/n) possibly have stirred up?

Price's mind drifted back to the time he had first encountered (y/n), back in 2016 when they embarked on a mission together. Their objective: track down a notorious Russian terrorist. On this operation, (y/n) had taken on the role of team leader for this mission but made the strategic decision to remain on the ground, employing her exceptional sniper skills while the rest of the team advanced. It was a rare occurrence for (y/n) to be on the ground since she usually operated in the air, but Price had appreciated and respected her choice.

"Bravo 0-6, suggest taking cover. Snipers at 12 o'clock," (y/n)'s voice crackled through the comms, her tone poised and alert.

"Roger." Price acknowledged swiftly, his command urging the team to seek cover, a directive they executed without hesitation. Yet, amid this tense situation, the comms suddenly erupted with the unmistakable sounds of (y/n) engaged in combat.

"My cover is blown! Don't—back up!" Her words were punctuated by frantic pauses, a desperate struggle to stay alive and protect the original Task Force 141.

"Find Makarov! You're on your own!"

Those were the last words (y/n) had uttered before Sergeant Gary Sanderson, known as Roach, was fatally shot in the back of the head.

Price sighed, the memory of that fateful mission still weighing heavily on his mind. (y/n) had put up a fierce fight but ultimately got captured. However, now was not the time for reminiscence. He needed to pay attention to what Shepherd was about to say. Carefully, he reached into his pocket, retrieved a small voice recorder, and pressed the record button. Price knew the importance of capturing this conversation. It could be crucial information to relay back to the rest of the team in Las Almas, just in case something went awry.

"Surrender yourself to Al-Qatala and the Cartel. Extract vital information about the missiles' destination and location. We'll have the Shadows on standby for your exfiltration. Afterward, you put Specter to bed and become acting Commander of the Shadows. Task Force 141 will be disavowed and the Shadows will be taking over the mission after you return to Las Almas." Price listened intently as Shepherd outlined the terms of the deal to (y/n). It was a high-stakes proposition.

""And if I refuse?" (y/n)'s defiant response echoed through the tent, and Price couldn't help but reflect on her strong-willed nature. Her tendency to defy orders had always been a point of contention, yet he also recognized that her independent spirit had, at times, proven to be a lifesaver for their team. It was a complicated dynamic, one that had saved them as often as it had caused friction.

"Your Task Force 141 comrades will be executed for treason."

Price's revelation left him taken aback, struggling to process Shepherd's treacherous plot against Task Force 141. His shock was palpable as he switched off the voice recorder and hastily sought out Gaz, Alex, and Farah. Finding them near the camp's entrance, preparing for their departure, Price couldn't afford to waste any time.

He gathered his team close, his tone stern and filled with urgency. The trio turned their attention to Price, their faces mirroring his seriousness. In hushed tones, Price began to disclose the dire situation they faced.

"Team," he began, leaning in to ensure their conversation remained private, "We have a situation. (y/n) might go rogue."

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