Wise Betting

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"Ghost, we need to talk," Soap called after him, picking up his pace with a light jog to catch up.

Ghost turned around, his expression filled with frustration and defensiveness. "About what, Soap?" he asked curtly.

"About (y/n). She woke up, and you didn't even bother to visit her. What's going on?" Soap shook his head disappointedly, his concern evident.

Ghost's voice faltered as he stumbled over his words, his usually composed demeanor slipping.

"Soap, it's complicated. I... I can't get involved with her," he confessed, his eyes betraying a hint of vulnerability.

"Complicated? What do you mean complicated? She's our teammate, and you're the only one who didn't visit her. Even Laswell went to see her," Soap pressed, his disappointment becoming a mix of frustration and curiosity.

Ghost's frustration intensified as he clenched his fists.

"I know, Johnny," he snapped, using Soap's real name, emphasizing his seriousness. "There are things... things you don't know."

Soap stepped back slightly, his arms crossed, his tone firm.

"Enlighten me, then. I already know you like her," he challenged, his gaze steady, demanding honesty from his teammate.

"It's not that, Soap. I... I care about her too much. And that's precisely why I can't allow myself to get any closer," Ghost confessed, his voice filled with sincerity and apprehension.

Soap's smile widened a touch of understanding in his eyes. He shook his head gently. "Care about her? Simon, it's clear as day that you have feelings for her, which is why you care so much. Why do you deny it?" he said, his tone gentle but firm.

Ghost's eyes narrowed at the sound of his name. His shoulders sagged as he let out a soft sigh.

 "Because I'm scared," he whispered, his voice barely audible. "Scared of the consequences, scared of what it could do to our team. I can't let my emotions cloud my judgment."

Soap's hand found its way to Ghost's shoulder, offering a comforting touch. "Shutting her out completely isn't the solution. She needs us, and she needs you," Soap said, his voice filled with conviction.

Ghost nodded, his gaze fixed on the ground as he fiddled with his thumbs. "I know. But I can't... I can't be the one to let her down," he admitted, his voice tinged with a mixture of guilt and self-doubt.

Soap gave the Lieutenant a pat on the back, a gesture of support and encouragement. "You're already letting her down by keeping your distance," he said gently before slowly walking away, leaving Ghost to wrestle with his conflicted emotions.

Ghost retreated to his room and grabbed a $50 bill from his drawer and searched for the rest of the gang. He eventually found them in the common room, having a small talk. Without any words, Ghost walked up to Soap and placed the bill in his hands and walked away to go find (y/n).

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