Secrets We Hold

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"What's going on?" Alejandro looked at Caleb. Alejandro and Rudy remembered Caleb from when they had first come into contact with Shadow Company, when (y/n) was still a commander.

"What's on your mind, Caleb?" Alejandro inquired, his gaze unwavering.

Caleb hesitated for a moment, choosing his words carefully. "I've been hearing things, rumors mostly, but they're gaining traction," he admitted, his brow furrowing in concern.

"Rumors about what?" Rudy pressed, his sharp eyes fixed on Caleb.

"Graves and General Shepherd. There are suggestions that they've been holding conversations and making plans. The rumors are about (y/n)'s file," Caleb replied, his voice low. "People in the company have been talking, saying it's not lost, that it's out there somewhere."

A heavy silence settled over the room. The implications of Caleb's words were clear. If (y/n)'s complete file fell into the wrong hands, it could jeopardize everything they had worked for.

"Do you have concrete evidence?" Alejandro asked, his voice steady despite the storm of thoughts racing through his mind.

Caleb should his head, frustration etched across his features, "Nothing concrete, just fragments and bits of conversations. But the tone, the undertones... They're not discussing strategy or missions. It's something else, something more. Graves won't tell me anything."

"This is a dangerous game. We need to tread carefully." Rudy leaned back, his fingers steepled in contemplation.

Alejandro's jaw clenched, the weight of the situation pressing heavily on him. If they're plotting against us, we need to know. We can't afford to be blindsided."

"That's why I thought it best to tell you. It has to be in connection with (y/n) somehow." Caleb nodded in agreement.

"I agree. As for (y/n)'s file, I've kept it secure," Alejandro assured, his voice steady. "No one outside this room knows where it is."

Caleb nodded, acknowledging Alejandro's reassurance. "I trust you, Alejandro. But we can't afford to take any chances. We need to consider relocating it, just to be safe."

Rudy chimed in, his tone grave. "He's right, Alejandro. We can't underestimate the potential threat this poses. If there are whispers about (y/n)'s file resurfacing, we need to act."

Alejandro took a moment to absorb their words. He knew they were right. The file was a critical piece of their operation, and its security was paramount. He nodded in agreement, a sense of determination settling over him.

"We'll move it," Alejandro declared. "But we'll do so with utmost caution. We can't afford any missteps."

Caleb and Rudy both nodded in agreement, a shared sense of purpose uniting them. They understood the gravity of the situation and the importance of safeguarding (y/n)'s file.

As they set their plans into motion, a silent resolve settled over the room. The shadows they operated in were filled with uncertainties and hidden dangers. But together, as a united front, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead. The trust they had in each other would serve as their guiding light, illuminating the path forward in the darkness.

"Do the rest of them know?" Caleb's voice was steady, his eyes shifting between Alejandro and Rudy, seeking confirmation.

Before an answer could be given, Soap's sudden appearance sent a jolt of surprise through Caleb. He let out an involuntary yelp, quickly regaining his composure. Soap, ever the stalwart sergeant, offered a pat on Caleb's back as an apology.

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