A Soldier's Burden

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A soft rap echoed on Ghost's door. Rising from his bed, he approached the peephole to check. There stood the man he had conversed with just thirteen hours earlier. Ghost unlatched the door and nodded in acknowledgment.

"Here ya go. Everything I found, I put it in there for ya. I even organized some files," the man stated, handing over the flash drive to Ghost. Ghost regarded him for a moment before nodding appreciatively and stepping back into the room.

The room was dimly lit, the shadows dancing in haunting patterns across the walls. Ghost sat alone at the worn wooden table, a solitary figure cloaked in darkness. The weight of his own thoughts pressed upon him, a relentless burden he couldn't escape.

Ghost swifty plugged the USB into his laptop, pulling up the folders. Each folder was organized based on her affiliations with the military and Shadow Company. Ghost did a quick search for operation 'Loose Ends." The document was loaded and Ghost began reading

        Report Date: August 19th, 2016

        Operation: Loose Ends

        Goal: eliminate designated targets, gather intel

        Duration: August 2015- August 2016

        Targets: Commander Yuri- Eliminated (09.04.2015)

                         Private Shawn Martin- Eliminated (09.08.2015)

                         Sergeant Michael "Torch" Joseph- Eliminated (09.31.2015)

                         Sergeant George "Wolf" Crook- Eliminated (12.04.2015)

                         Captain David Archer- Eliminated (05.16.2016)

                         Sergeant Gary "Roach" Sanderson- Eliminated (05.16.2016)

        Mission Summary: Operation "Loose Ends" was a protracted, high-stakes

 mission entrusted to Lieutenant Colonel (Y/N) Keller, a.k.a. Specter.

 The mission's core objectives were multifaceted: infiltrate Task Force 141,

 acquire critical intelligence on their operations, and neutralize identified

high-priority targets. Specter's initial foray into Task Force 141 proved successful,

demonstrating exceptional skills in stealth and subterfuge. Through

meticulous observation and covert data acquisition, Specter garnered

invaluable intelligence encompassing TF 141's military backgrounds and

prior missions. This data provides General Shepherd with essential

insights into their operational capabilities and strategic inclinations.

During the execution phase, Specter displayed commendable tactical

acumen by successfully neutralizing six high-value targets within Task

Force 141. However, Specter went rogue, departing from established protocols.

Reason is unknown.

Given Specter's insubordination and rogue behavior, it is recommended

that she undergo immediate debriefing and evaluation for potential

decommissioning as a pilot and commander of Shadow Company. Her

actions have jeopardized the strategic integrity of the mission and

 compromised the safety of our operatives.

Furthermore, it is suggested that Task Force 141 be considered for

disavowal, given the potential threat they pose to Shadow Company's

 operations and objectives. Co-founder of Shadow Company, Commander Phillip  

Graves, be immediately signed as CEO and sole founder of Shadow Company.

                                        Signed Phillip Graves

Ghost's world shattered as the truth unraveled before him. The revelation hung in the air like a suffocating fog, seeping into every corner of his consciousness. Specter had turned into a harbinger of death, leaving a trail of fallen comrades in her wake. The weight of the revelation settled heavily on Ghost's shoulders, threatening to pull him into an abyss.

He stared at the classified files spread across the screen, each document bearing the grim details of the covert operation. The names of his fallen comrades stared back at him, their memory now tainted by the knowledge that it was Specter who had orchestrated their demise.

The room seemed to close in around Ghost, the walls suffocatingly close. He couldn't escape the truth, couldn't outrun the reality of what had transpired. He had trusted (y/n), had come to rely on her unwavering resolve and unyielding skill. And now, that trust lay shattered, shattered like the lives she had taken.

He looked around the room, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings. The walls, adorned with the emblems of honor and sacrifice, seemed to mock him. Heaving with each breath, he fought to steady himself. How could he reconcile this new reality with the ideals he had held so dear?

Anger simmered within him, a slow-burning fire that threatened to consume him whole. But it wasn't directed at (y/n), not entirely. No, the rage that coursed through him was self-directed, a searing reproach that tore at his very soul. He clenched his fists, his knuckles white, as he struggled to contain the storm within him. But beneath the anger, a current of sorrow ran deep. It flowed through him like a river of grief, aching for the lost souls who would never return.

The weight of his balaclava suddenly felt stifling against his face. He tore it off, needing to feel the air against his skin, needing to remind himself that he was still alive. His breath came in ragged bursts, a stark contrast to the controlled facade he had always presented. The mask, the very symbol of his identity, now felt like a cruel mockery of the trust he had placed in Specter.

He couldn't escape the harsh reality of his own mistakes. The fact that he had let his guard down, that he had allowed himself to trust when his instincts had screamed caution, was a bitter pill to swallow. He had always prided himself on his intuition, on his ability to read people like an open book. And yet, he had failed spectacularly in the case of Specter.

The memories of their missions together played like a cruel montage in his mind. Her every move, every word, was being dissected and analyzed. He saw the subtle glint in her eyes, the hidden agendas woven into her actions. It was all there, hidden in plain sight, and he had been blind to it.

As he stared at the flickering candle on the table, its feeble light casting elongated shadows that mirrored his inner turmoil, Ghost couldn't help but question his own judgment. How had he allowed himself to be deceived?

He had allowed himself to believe in the facade, to believe that (y/n) was one of them. And in doing so, he had unwittingly played a part in the tragedy that had unfolded. Ghost's jaw clenched, his teeth grinding together in frustration. He couldn't change the past, couldn't undo the mistakes he had made. But he could make sure that Specter paid for her betrayal, that justice was served for those who had fallen.

"Ghost, are you in there? Price is touching down in five," Soap's voice echoed through the door.

Ghost unplugged the flashdrive, tucking it away with a sense of grim determination. He knew that there was a long road ahead, one fraught with danger and uncertainty. But he was a soldier and he would not rest until he had righted the wrongs he had allowed to happen.

As he left the room, Ghost carried the weight of the fallen on his shoulders, their memory a constant reminder of the price they paid. Betrayal, anger, sorrow... they all warred within him, threatening to consume him whole. He knew he couldn't allow himself to be consumed by the darkness. He had a duty, a responsibility to those who had fallen, to ensure that their sacrifice was not in vain. He would confront the rest of Task Force 141 with the truth. As for (y/n), there would be no escape from the reckoning that awaited her, for the shadows could only hide the truth for so long.

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