Price of Rebellion

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(y/n) had gotten cleared by the nurses to resume regular activities, so she decided to go to the gym. (y/n) left her steps, driven by an eagerness to find solace in the tight corners of the base's gym. The rhythmic thumping of her boots echoed through the empty hallways, a cadence that matched the rapid beat of her heart. As (y/n) had some time to reflect on the crash, it stirred up a storm of memories, dragging her back into a haunting flashback. The sensations overwhelmed her, threatening to pull her into a dark abyss of fear and anguish.

At that time, she still stood as the unwavering leader of Shadow Company, Shepherd's trusted right hand. Graves, her lover, shared her bed and her secrets. The twisted smile of her scarf adorned her face, concealing the horrors she had witnessed. It was a day bathed in shadows when Shepherd summoned her to a secret meeting that would sow the seeds of betrayal.

(y/n) entered the dimly lit chamber, her eyes meeting Shepherd's cold stare.

She sensed something amiss, a cloud of betrayal veiling the air.

"You wished to see me, sir?" (y/n)'s voice was tinged with caution as she took her place before Shepherd.

"Yes, Specter," Shepherd's voice cut through the silence, devoid of remorse. "I have received new orders. Task Force 141 has outlived its usefulness, and I want them eliminated."

(y/n)'s brow furrowed, her loyalty to her comrades clashing with Shepherd's dark agenda.

"Sir, with all due respect, Task Force 141 has repeatedly proven its worth. We shouldn't betray them."

Shepherd's gaze hardened, his voice icy and unyielding. "Your opinion holds no weight, Specter, and my orders are to be followed without question."

"But sir," (y/n) replied, their voice calm and steady, starkly contrasting with the situation's intensity. "But I respectfully disagree with your orders, and I cannot carry them out without compromising the safety and integrity of our mission."

A fierce determination burned within (y/n)'s gaze. She refused to back down, unwilling to compromise their principles to appease Shepherd's demands. Shepherd's face reddened with anger, his frustration boiling over. He had grown accustomed to obedience to soldiers who followed orders without question. (y/n)'s resistance challenged his authority, pushing him to the edge of his patience.

"That's an order, Lieutenant Colonel," Shepherd growled, his voice laden with frustration and impatience. The weight of his command hung heavily in the air, a reminder of the hierarchy and authority he wielded.

Inwardly, (y/n)'s resolve solidified. She couldn't stand idly by while Shepherd's treachery unfolded. She had to protect Task Force 141, her conscience compelling her to choose. After leaving Shepherd's presence, (y/n) sought out Graves, the only one she could confide in. In hushed whispers, she unveiled her plan to turn on Shepherd to safeguard the lives she valued. Torn between his loyalties, Graves reluctantly agreed to stand by her side.

Days turned into fleeting moments as (y/n) found herself face-to-face with Price, a stalwart member of Task Force 141. She divulged Shepherd's plan, warning him of the imminent danger that awaited Ghost and his team. Trusting her words, Price relayed the information, and Task Force 141 vanished into the shadows of safety. However, unbeknownst to (y/n), Graves had surreptitiously betrayed her trust. He scurried to Shepherd, divulging Specter's intentions to disobey orders. Shepherd's wrath surged like a cyclone, his desire for retribution unquenchable.

Graves revealed his betrayal to (y/n) in a secluded enclave, where only shadows bore witness.

Shock held her captive as Graves tightened his grip, his fingers coiling around her throat in a vice-like hold. Panic surged within her, a battle for survival that raged in her veins. And then it happened; the blade of betrayal tore through her flesh, destroying her left eye. A searing pain engulfed her being, a cry of anguish silenced by Graves' hurtful words.

"An eye for an eye," he hissed, relishing the torment he inflicted upon her.

But the nightmare did not end there. Graves, callous in his actions, unleashed a bullet into her abdomen, leaving her to bleed, left for dead. In that solitary moment, Specter knew the true depths of betrayal. Days turned into weeks, and through sheer force of will, she exacted her revenge, hunting down the shadows that she once commanded. Blood stained her hands as she left a chilling message on Shepherd's desk, etched in crimson letters:

"Eye for Eye."

(y/n) clenched her jaw, forcefully expelling the memories that threatened to consume her thoughts. With each step she took toward the gym, her mind stubbornly wandered back to her plane crash, which was similar to the day she faked her death. The images flashed before her eyes like a haunting slideshow.

(y/n) had reached a breaking point in her life. Constantly on the run from Shepherd and Shadow Company, she realized that she could no longer live in fear and uncertainty. She boldly decided to fake her own death using a plane crash, a plan she had meticulously crafted to escape her pursuers' clutches.

Gathering every ounce of courage, (y/n) carefully orchestrated the details. She acquired an old, abandoned aircraft, ensuring its resemblance to the one she typically used. With meticulous attention to detail, she staged the crash site, carefully placing debris and simulating the devastating aftermath of the accident.

She knew that by faking her death, she would sever the ties that bound her to Shepherd and Shadow Company, giving herself a chance at a new beginning.

As the plane crashed into the ground, engulfed in a fierce blaze, (y/n) watched from a safe distance, her heart heavy with mixed emotions. The explosion and smoke billowing into the sky marked the end of her former life.

(y/n) snapped out of her flashback, realizing she was at the gym. 

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