Double-Edged Plans

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"Shadow 0-7 to Shadow 0-1, how copy?"

"Loud and clear."

"He took the bait."

Graves couldn't contain his excitement as he received the information. His carefully laid plan had worked flawlessly. He was in a meeting with his trusted right-hand man, Caleb Miller, when the news came through. Caleb watched Graves' exuberant reaction, his expression morphing into a grimace of disapproval. He had been one of the lucky Shadows who had been spared by Specter. Caleb held a deep admiration for (y/n)'s unwavering commitment to her principles, even if it meant going against orders.

Specter's return to action posed a significant risk to General Shepherd and the entire Shadow Company. Among their ranks were Shadows who had gone undercover, seamlessly blending in with the Los Vaqueros to gather crucial intelligence for Phillip. The General had given Shadow Company the dual role of assisting in missions and strategizing ways to dismantle the task force from within. This information was instrumental in their efforts to dismantle the task force, and it was relayed back to General Shepherd.

Caleb hesitated for a moment, his hand absently rubbing the back of his neck. When he finally spoke, his tone was cautious.


"Yes?" Phillip shifted his attention to Caleb, his gaze unwavering.

"What is Shepherd's endgame, sir? He instructed (y/n) to switch places with Laswell, but he gave you a different story, telling her she'd be leading another mission. What's really happening here? "Caleb's eyes bore into Phillip's, searching for answers

Phillip took a step back, giving Caleb a thoughtful nod in acknowledgment of the pressing question. He recognized that Caleb's allegiance likely leaned towards (y/n), even if it conflicted with his paycheck. There was a risk that if he disclosed the true plan, Caleb might find a way to relay it to (y/n). However, with (y/n) currently held captive by Al-Qatala, the chances of her discovering the real agenda were minimal.

"Well, Caleb," Graves began, a weary sigh escaping him as he placed his hands on his hips, "I don't know."

The admission was a stark reality. Phillip was a man of action, accustomed to executing orders rather than delving into the intricacies of their motives. Caleb nodded, absorbing the uncertainty, before quietly departing, leaving Graves alone in the conference room.

Caleb paced around the bustling Los Vaqueros compound, seeking solace in the activity around him. The base hummed with the energy of missions being prepared and squads gearing up. Eventually, he found himself in a common area, where Alejandro and Rodolfo were engaged in conversation with a few members of the Vaqueros.

"Can I speak to you for a second?" Caleb's fingers fidgeted with nervous energy as he approached the two men. Alejandro and Rodolfo exchanged a meaningful look before discreetly dismissing the Vaqueros members.

"Si, Caleb." Alejandro stepped forward, guiding Caleb into a nearby hallway to afford them some privacy.

Meanwhile, curiosity got the best of Phillip and he opened the laptop that was on the desk in front of him.

"Ah, Commander Graves, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Shepherd answered the call.

"Why did you change (y/n)'s orders?" Phillip sat down in front of the computer.

"You don't get paid to ask questions, Commander. But, if you must know, we're breaking up Task Force 141 and the only way to do that is to make (y/n) head of the Shadows. The task force doesn't trust ya'll. Make (y/n) a Shadow and the rest will fall apart.."

"I want to keep the Shadows." Graves stated. He had done a lot of work to repair Shadow Company after (y/n) destroyed it and he refused to just hand it over to her like that. General Shepherd nodded in acknowledgment.

"Very well then. There's no need to prepare an exfil for her. Let her die."

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