Pursuit of Unity

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Alejandro glanced at his watch, a reminder of the relentless march of time.

"Any idea where (Y/n) and Ghost are? We need them to—" Alejandro began, concern etched on his face.

"Do the interrogation without them. I think they need a moment," Price interjected, his voice steady. Alejandro nodded in understanding before stepping into the room to proceed with Valeria's interrogation.

Gaz, his brow furrowed in worry, turned to Price. "Do you think she's gonna forgive him, Captain?" he asked, arms folded across his chest.

Price considered for a moment before checking his own watch.

"If she didn't forgive him, he'd be back by now," he mused.

Soap, standing nearby, offered Gaz a reassuring pat on the shoulder, a silent gesture of solidarity in their shared concern for their teammates.

Price, perhaps better than anyone, the complexities of their dynamic. The unspoken tension, the shared history, it was all woven into the fabric of their team. In his heart, he held a quiet hope that they would find a way to bridge the gap.

He understood the potential they held together, not just as skilled operatives, but as individuals whose strengths complemented each other. There was a synergy, an unspoken understanding that went beyond the battlefield. Without them, he knew the team would be missing a crucial element, a cornerstone that anchored them.

As the minutes ticked by, Price's mind raced through the possibilities. He knew that some wounds ran deep, but he also knew the resilience that defined (Y/n) and Ghost. They were warriors, after all, and warriors had a knack for finding their way back from the brink.

In the midst of the mission's urgency, a silent prayer for their reconciliation lingered in Price's heart. Deep down, he held onto the belief that (Y/n) and Ghost were destined for something greater, both on and off the field.

Suddenly, Alejandro stormed out of the room, his anger radiating like a storm cloud. Rudy, ever the steady presence, trailed closely behind, his attempts to calm Alejandro down evident in the gentle reassurances he offered.

Phillip, seemingly unfazed by the commotion, simply continued on his way. He had his own agenda, and it was clear he had little interest in the emotional whirlwind surrounding them.

Price watched the scene unfold, concern etching his features. "Alejandro, calm down. We've got a mission to focus on."

Alejandro shot a searing glance at Price, his frustration barely contained. "This is insane! She's out there risking her life while we're stuck in here playing politics!"

"Easy, mate," Soap interjected, stepping forward with a calming hand on Alejandro's shoulder.

"We'll get this sorted. But right now, we've got a lead on those missiles. That's what we need to focus on." Caleb, always quick to adapt, stepped in with a nod, before turning his attention to Price. "Valeria cracked. We've got the location of the missiles."

Price's eyes lit up with a spark of hope. "Good work, Caleb. That's a breakthrough. Where are they?"

"They're in a hidden facility about fifty miles from here," Caleb replied, his voice steady with determination. "We've got the coordinates and a layout. It's heavily guarded, but with a well-coordinated strike, we can neutralize the threat."

Gaz nodded in agreement. "We've got the firepower for it. Let's get this done."

Soap's gaze was fixed on Caleb, a mixture of gratitude and respect in his eyes. "Nice work, mate. This could make all the difference."

Price's mind was already racing, formulating a plan. "Alright, "Alright, we need to find (Y/n) and Ghost. We move out in thirty minutes. This is our shot at ending this."

Gaz nodded in acknowledgment, already pulling out his radio. "Copy that, Captain. I'll track them down."

Soap was quick to join in. "I'll check the hangar. They might be there."

As the team dispersed, each member took on the task with a sense of purpose. They knew that every moment counted, and there was no room for hesitation. The fate of the mission, and perhaps more, hung in the balance.

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