The File

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As Ghost's eyes scanned over the first page of the file, he absorbed the basic information presented before him:

        Name: (Y/N) (M/N) Keller

        Rank: Lieutenant Colonel

        Nationality: American

        Alias: Specter

        Callsign: Zulu S-10, Shadow Z-10

Ghost's curiosity deepened as he encountered the Shadow Company callsign in the file. He mentally noted it down before proceeding with his reading, eager to uncover more about (y/n)'s past.

        Affiliations: United States Military (Branch unknown): time of service unknown

        Member, Task Force 141: 2013-present

        CEO/ Co-Founder, Shadow Company: 2010-present

Ghost continued to absorb the information in (y/n)'s file, recognizing the discrepancy in the affiliations section. It seemed that her file had not been updated to reflect the disavowal and disbandment of the original Task Force 141 in 2017. This discrepancy only added to the intrigue surrounding (y/n)'s past.

There was nothing out of the ordinary in her missions; her service appeared clean-cut, and her high kill count was impressive. She had excelled in aerial missions, never losing a team member, a feat that even Ghost couldn't claim to match.

Ghost diligently continued to read through (y/n)'s records, now focusing on the missions she had undertaken while serving in Shadow Company. So far, there was nothing that stood out as unusual or particularly noteworthy. Each mission listed targets, and she had maintained a perfect kill record, performing her duties with precision and efficiency.

However, as he delved deeper into the records, he came across a mission that deviated from her flawless track record. His eyes narrowed as he read through the details, his instincts sharpening as he detected a significant anomaly in her performance.

        Date: August 16th, 2016

        Operation: Loose Ends

        Goal: Infiltrate Vladimir Makarov's safehouse, eliminate potential and noted threats.

        Targets: Vladimir Makarov- Failed

        Phillip Graves- Failed

        Team KIA: Sergeant Gary Sanderson

Frustration gnawed at Ghost as he stared at the page where the rest of the targets had been concealed by a heavy black marker. This was the last page of the file, leaving him with a gaping void of crucial information. He knew that uncovering the identities of those targets was vital, as it seemed to be the turning point in (y/n)'s otherwise impeccable record.

Ghost's mind wandered to the original Task Force 141, a team that had seen its fair share of casualties in the line of duty. Ghost's eyes fixated on the name "Sergeant Gary Sanderson," and in that moment, a flood of memories surged through his mind. It was as if a dam had burst, releasing a torrent of recollections he had long suppressed.

The plane ride was a somber affair, with an air of heavy tension and grief hanging over the team. Roach's death weighed on everyone's minds, leaving them in a state of shock and mourning. Ghost, with his distinctive skull-patterned balaclava, kept a watchful eye on the woman seated towards the back of the plane.

She was the commander of Shadow Company, a group of American private military contractors (PMCs) that General Shepherd had enlisted for this mission. Despite her central role, the majority of Task Force 141 knew very little about her, except for Captain Price. Her enigmatic and brooding demeanor had made her an intimidating presence, and the tragic loss of Roach had only deepened the divide between her and the rest of the team.

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