Candlelight Banter

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Simon's fingers danced lightly over the radio, his touch careful not to disturb the woman nestled at his side. Caleb's voice, strained and panicked, cut through the static.

"Graves and Shadow are on a killing spree," Caleb's voice quivered, carrying the weight of the chaos on his shoulders. Simon's grip tightened on the radio, his mind racing to process the grim news. The woman stirred slightly, sensing the tension in the air. In the dim light of the church, Simon's eyes flicked between the shadows, the urgency of the situation bearing down on him.

In the soft candlelight, (Y/n) 's features seemed to soften, the lines of worry and weariness that usually etched her face now smoothed in slumber. Her chest rose and fell in a steady rhythm, a rare moment of tranquility amidst the chaos that often defined their lives.

Simon watched her, a hint of tenderness in his gaze, his usually guarded expression momentarily softened. He couldn't help but appreciate this fleeting moment of serenity that had embraced her. The world outside may have been a storm, but in this quiet corner of the church, (Y/n) seemed to have found a moment of respite.

"Advise you move interior if you're not already. It's good cover."

Simon's voice was a low murmur as he relayed the message, careful not to disturb (Y/n) 's slumber. He watched as she stirred slightly, a testament to her ever-alert instincts. Even in sleep, she remained attuned to the dangers that surrounded them.

As the moments passed, (Y/n) seemed to settle back into her dreams, her breathing steady once more. Simon couldn't help but admire the way she carried herself, a warrior through and through.

The soft sigh that escaped Simon's lips betrayed a moment of introspection as he watched (Y/n) gradually awaken. Her presence had brought a dimension to his life that he hadn't anticipated. Before, his world had been confined to the unyielding demands of military service. Now, with (Y/n) by his side, he couldn't help but entertain the notion of a life beyond the battlefield.

As (Y/n) stirred, Simon's gaze met hers, and at that moment, a silent understanding passed between them. They were soldiers, bound by duty and a shared history of conflict. Yet, they were also individuals with desires, dreams, and the capacity for a life outside the relentless rhythm of warfare.

The thought of a future beyond the military that held the promise of peace and contentment flickered in Simon's mind. It was both exhilarating and daunting, a path uncharted and uncertain. But with (Y/n) at his side, it was a path he was willing to explore.

"Is that Soap and Caleb?" As (Y/n) stirred from her slumber, her voice was a gentle murmur, carrying the soft cadence of dreams. She nestled closer to Simon, seeking warmth and comfort in the embrace they shared. Simon's presence provided a sense of security, a sanctuary against the trials of the world.

In response to her question, Simon emitted a low hum of affirmation, the vibrations resonating through both of them. He tenderly pressed a kiss to her forehead, a gesture filled with an unspoken affection. The intimacy they had just shared had left (Y/n) in a state of blissful exhaustion.

"After this shitshow, Alejandro won't trust us."

Soap's voice crackled through the radio, carrying a weight of concern and foreboding. His words painted a stark picture of the aftermath they were about to face.

"Hm, I wouldn't be so sure of that."

(Y/n)' s voice, though muffled by the radio, held a note of confidence that resonated with determination.

"Just make sure you can trust yourself. Start there." Simon followed.

"Good advice, L.T. I wanna be like you when I grow up." Soap chuckled.

"You wanna be better than me, Johnny."

There was a touch of weariness in Simon's voice, a weight of responsibility he carried as a seasoned soldier. His words held a mix of encouragement and acknowledgment, recognizing Soap's potential for greatness.

"Think I'll live that long?" Soap asked, a note of concern tingeing his voice.

"Probably not," Simon stated, resting his head on top of (y/n) 's as they waited.

The two sat in silence, finding a newfound comfort in each other's presence. However, this was a peace that wouldn't last long. They still needed to find Hassan and the last missile. (Y/n) had a personal mission, and she was determined to make sure that Phillip paid for his betrayal. They were about to enter the final, most dangerous phase of their mission, and the stakes had never been higher.

(Y/n)' s breath, though slightly labored, carried a sense of determination. She bore no regrets, for in that moment, they had sought solace in each other's arms. Now, her focus shifted sharply to the mission at hand, to ensure the safety of Soap and Caleb as they made their way to the church.

She reached out, her fingers grazing over Simon's as they lay intertwined. Their eyes met, a silent exchange of reassurance and understanding. In the midst of turmoil, they had found a rare moment of respite, a fragment of stolen peace. But they knew they couldn't linger in this sanctuary forever.

"Give me a sit-rep," (Y/n) finally uttered, her voice steady.

Caleb's voice crackled through the radio, carrying the weight of exertion. "Outside, gated alley," he panted.

"Hey listen, they're talking about you two." Caleb stated.

"So you're telling me you see that you see the big boy with the skullface and you're not gonna start sweatin?" One voice said.

"Nah. Its the girl I'm worried about. She wiped out the original Shadow Company with her barehands. But I'm not gonna see them." A second voice said.

"You're right, you won't see them. It's too late if you see them, you're fucking already dead." The first voice said again.

(y/n) let out a chuckle before poking Simon in his side.

"Quite the deadly couple, huh?" (y/n) teased.

"That we are." Simon nodded in agreement. The was silence again but, the two didn't dare to speak. For once, the silence was not tense or awkward, and neither of them wanted to ruin the moment.

"We made a trip mine." Caleb relayed.

"A man after my own heart." Simon responded.

"Didn't know you had one. We made it to the coffee shop." Soap responded in a sassy tone.

"Get me a tea." Simon sniffed.

"Fucking brits." Caleb grumbled through the comms.

"You're gonna owe me for this Ghost." Soap replied.

"Why?" Simon questioned.

"The mask," Soap coughed, "take it off."

"Show my face?" Simon sat up.

"Yes, sir."


"Are you ugly?" Caleb inquired.

Simon smirked, his eyes meeting (Y/n) 's as she returned the smirk, a playful giggle escaping her lips. Simon reached for the radio, the corner of his lips still curled in a smile.

"Quite the opposite."

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