Fractured Reflection

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While on her way to meet Price and Gaz, (y/n) couldn't help but replay her recent conversation with Ghost in her mind. It left her feeling perplexed and unsure. Just as she had started to open up and be vulnerable with him, he had pushed her away. (y/n) scolded herself for allowing emotions to complicate things. This wasn't the time nor the place to let her feelings get in the way, and they never should have been involved in the first place.

Feeling the need for respite, (y/n) quickly stopped at the bathroom. There, she unwrapped her scarf and studied her reflection in the mirror. Her gaze narrowed as she examined her face, realizing it had been quite some time since she had truly seen herself. Her eyes traced the contours and lines that had become more prominent recently. The reflection staring back at her revealed a face that seemed thinner, more gaunt than before. Her cheeks appeared slightly hollowed, lacking the youthful fullness they once possessed. The sharpness of her jawline and the defined angles of her face spoke of the weight she carried, both physically and emotionally. The weariness in her eyes seemed to have etched itself deeper, as if each mission had left a mark, gradually chipping away at her vitality.

(y/n) pulled her gaiter over her face, momentarily shielding the world from the vulnerabilities etched on her features. The gaiter bore a smile, much like her scarf, and (y/n) couldn't help but emit a gruff sound of frustration before leaving the bathroom behind.

Gaz and Price exchanged concerned glances while waiting for (y/n) at the airfield. She was usually punctual, and her delay raised a hint of worry in their minds. Soap, who was also present, joined in their speculation.

"Do you think something might have happened?" Gaz turned to Price, his brow furrowed in concern. Their teammate's absence was unusual, and they couldn't help but wonder if something had gone awry.

"Maybe?" Soap responded with a shrug, mirroring the uncertainty that lingered in the air.

Just as their concern began to mount, (y/n) suddenly appeared, her arrival accompanied by an unexpected edge.

"I'm fine," (y/n) stated tersely, her words cutting through the air with a defensive undertone.

Gaz, Price, and Soap exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging that there might be more to (y/n)'s late arrival and her defensive demeanor than met the eye.

Gaz couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as his gaze fell upon the gaiter that (y/n) was wearing. He had only seen her don the mask once before, on the day when she single-handedly dismantled Shadow Company. His eyes flickered to Price, silently communicating his observation. Price met his gaze, and the unspoken exchange prompted a nod of understanding between them. There were questions to be asked, but the urgency of the mission took precedence for now.

"Are you ready?" Price directed his attention towards (y/n), his gaze assessing her mind. He couldn't help but notice Ghost's absence, making a mental note to address it later.

"Affirmative," (y/n) responded curtly, making her way into the plane and securing herself in her seat. The tension in the air was noticeable, and everyone understood the gravity of the situation.

"Stay frosty," Soap nodded at Gaz and Price before following (y/n) onto the plane. He intended to bid her a quick farewell, but as he approached her, he sensed the simmering aggression surrounding her like a thick fog. (y/n) stared ahead blankly, sharpening one of her knives with unwavering focus.

"(Y/n)," Soap bent down to meet her gaze at eye level, his voice firm and commanding. "Keep it together. Don't let yourself snap." He placed his hands over hers, ensuring he had her full attention. There was a flicker of darkness in (y/n)'s eyes as she locked her gaze onto Soap, her emotions swirling beneath the surface.

Gaz and Price had made their way onto the plane but halted in their tracks, their attention drawn to the silent exchange between Soap and (y/n). There was a tangible tension in the air, a profound understanding passing between the two without needing words. The two men realized (y/n) had reached a breaking point where her sanity teetered on the edge.

Soap nodded understandingly, recognizing the gravity of the situation. He knew that pushing (y/n) any further could unleash a force that couldn't be contained. Reluctantly, he stood up, his eyes lingering on (y/n) for a moment longer before he exited the plane.

As Gaz and Price watched Soap depart, a shared understanding passed between them. They knew the risks involved and the volatile nature of (y/n)'s state of mind. Yet, they also recognized that there were times when restraint had to be set aside, when (y/n) was driven by a force they couldn't fully comprehend.

"Whatever happens," Soap's voice broke the silence, drawing Gaz and Price's attention. He stood before them, a determined look on his face. "Don't try to stop her. Let her do what she needs to do."

Specter's Redemption |Ghost x Reader|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora