Unexpected Encounter

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"Excited to see your sister?" Farah playfully nudged Alex, a warm smile on her face.

Alex's own smile widened, his eyes lighting up with anticipation. "You have no idea," he chuckled, the excitement evident in his voice.

The small group of ULF members, including Farah and Alex, stood waiting at the airfield for the arrival of Task Force 141. The aircraft had just landed, and the members of TF 141 were making their way out, gathering their gear and preparing for the upcoming mission.

Captain Price emerged first, his demeanor composed yet vigilant. As his eyes scanned the familiar surroundings, memories of past encounters flitted through his mind. Behind him, Gaz followed, his expression squinting against the sunlight as he stepped onto the tarmac.

Gaz couldn't help but feel a tinge of curiosity when he noticed a figure by Farah's side who seemed to have a strong connection with (y/n). He leaned in towards Price, his voice low and inquisitive.

"Is that...?" Gaz whispered, trailing off.

Price met Gaz's gaze, understanding the unspoken question.

"Yes, that's (y/n)'s brother. Alex Keller," he replied in a hushed tone, revealing the identity of the new face. Gaz recalled the name, remembering he had seen it in a file.

"Wasn't he M.I.A.?" Gaz asked, his memory jostling to where he had heard that name before.

A playful smirk tugged at Alex's lips, amused by Gaz's question.

"You should really read up on your files there, Kyle," he teased, extending his hand toward Gaz for a handshake.

Gaz's cheeks flushed slightly with embarrassment, realizing he might have overlooked crucial information. Nonetheless, he quickly recovered, grasping Alex's hand firmly.

"Welcome back," Gaz said, sincerity in his voice.

"Good to see you too, Captain Price," Alex replied respectfully, acknowledging the experienced soldier's presence. Price's gaze shifted to Farah, and he greeted her warmly with a nod.

Meanwhile, (y/n) immersed herself in a whirlwind of thoughts as she gathered her belongings. As she rose from her seat, the cumulative fatigue from the entire plane ride finally caught up, weighing heavily on her weary frame. The hours spent in constant contemplation had allowed her mind to wander and strategize, mapping out the course of action she intended. Her thoughts were still a jumble, but a plan had taken shape amidst the chaos.

Shaking her head to clear the mental clutter, (y/n) was suddenly jolted back to reality by the persistent ringing of her phone. Annoyance crept into her voice as she answered the call, recognizing the voice on the other end.

"(y/n)," came the voice, and she couldn't help but utter the name under her breath, a mixture of recognition and irritation.

"Graves?" (y/n) responded in a hushed tone, questioning how he had managed to find her number. Her instinct was to hang up immediately, but curiosity compelled her to listen, at least for a moment.

"The one and only," he retorted, his tone laced with a hint of arrogance.

"What do you want?" (y/n) couldn't mask the irritation in her voice. She had little patience for Graves and his cryptic messages.

Graves's response was equally enigmatic and unsettling, "You know the Shadows always have separate orders, and this time, those orders involve you. If you want to keep that other eye, I'd suggest you listen closely."

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