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Creating more havoc in the streets of Las Almas was the last thing (y/n) intended. She moved stealthily through the alleys, witnessing the Shadows leaving a trail of destruction in their wake. Fortunately, (y/n) was intimately familiar with the layout of Las Almas, allowing her to move through the city undetected.

Navigating the familiar alleys of Las Almas, (y/n) felt a mixture of determination and trepidation. Each narrow passage held memories of clandestine meetings and covert operations. The echoes of her footsteps were punctuated by distant gunshots, a grim reminder of the chaos that now engulfed the once lively streets.

She cautiously peered around corners, ensuring that the coast was clear before proceeding. The Shadows, in their ruthless pursuit, seemed to overlook the subtle nuances of the city's terrain. (Y/n) exploited this to her advantage, slipping through hidden routes and utilizing the shadows to shield herself from prying eyes.

The dilapidated church offered a semblance of solace amidst the turmoil outside. Its weathered facade spoke of years long gone, a silent witness to the changing tides of Las Almas. (Y/n) stepped cautiously through the creaking wooden doors, the musty scent of old hymnals and ancient stone enveloping her.

The interior bore the marks of abandonment, yet there was an eerie tranquility that clung to the air. Dust motes danced in the soft beams of sunlight filtering through stained glass windows, casting a surreal glow over the nave. (Y/n) took a moment to catch her breath, her pulse gradually steadying.

With meticulous care, she checked herself for any hidden injuries, her fingers moving over fabric and skin, searching for any sign of harm. A sigh of relief escaped her lips as she found none. The physical safety was a small victory in the midst of chaos.

Settling into a quiet corner, (y/n) withdrew her radio, its familiar weight grounding her. She held it in her hands for a moment, the cold metal a stark contrast to the tension in the air. As she pressed the button to transmit, she couldn't shake the feeling that the echoes of her words were swallowed by the vast emptiness of the abandoned church.

Her voice, though hushed, reverberated in the cavernous space of the church, carrying a note of urgency. The words echoed off the weathered stones as if the very walls held a silent vigil.

"Ghost? Soap? Caleb? Do you copy? This is Zulu S-10 in the dark. Do you read me?" Each syllable carried a weight of concern, a lifeline cast into the shadows, hoping for an anchor to hold onto.

The radio crackled to life, a staticky breath punctuating the silence. Then, a voice, familiar and steady, emerged from the white noise.

"This is Ghost. I read you. What's your status?" Ghost's voice carried a sense of relief, a reassurance in the midst of uncertainty.

Relief washed over (y/n) as Ghost's voice echoed through the comms, a beacon of reassurance in the darkness. Still, worry lingered like a specter, especially for Caleb and Soap. With Caleb's training, she held faith he could navigate the dangers, but Soap's injury was a concern.

"Meet at the church, southern corner of the city, you'll see it," she directed, her voice a steady guide through the chaos.

"Copy," Ghost responded, his tone resolute. The line went quiet, leaving (y/n) in the hushed sanctuary, the weight of their situation settling around her like a heavy shroud.

(y/n) set about occupying herself while she waited. Years ago, she'd discreetly hidden an arsenal of weapons in strategic locations throughout the building. Now, she was curious to see if they had stood the test of time.

Her efforts proved fruitful. A first aid kit, a towel concealing an assortment of knives, and three guns lay untouched since she last left them. A soft chuckle escaped her lips, a mixture of gratitude and amusement. Her habit of stashing weapons wherever she went had once again paid off.

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