Deal with the Devil

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"(Y/n)? I'm sorry, Shepherd is asking for you," Gaz's voice carried a note of apprehension as he cautiously peeked into (y/n)'s tent. He knew that dealing with Shepherd often meant confronting challenging situations, and he was worried about her reaction. (Y/n) responded with a resigned sigh.

"It's okay, Kyle," (y/n) spoke in a reassuring tone as she approached the sergeant, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. She understood that Gaz was merely the messenger in this situation, and it wouldn't be fair to take out her frustrations on him. (Y/n) mentally braced herself for the impending conversation with Shepherd, knowing that it could be a volatile and unpredictable exchange where anything might be said or happen.

As (y/n) entered the tent, she found Price engaged in a conversation with General Shepherd. Price noticed her arrival and gave her a subtle nod, acknowledging her presence, before returning his attention to Shepherd. The atmosphere was tense, and (y/n) could sense that this meeting held significant implications.

"I'll give you two some space."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Price decided to give (y/n) and Shepherd some privacy. With a brief statement, he left the tent, leaving them to their discussion.

"General." (y/n) calmly positioned herself in front of the camera.

"Back from the dead, are we?" The general's words dripped with disdain.

"Well," (y/n) replied, her arms folded across her chest. A faint smile played on her lips as she added, "it's hard to kill your demons."

Shepherd's scowl deepened in response to her defiant tone.

Shepherd's voice grew stern as he addressed (y/n). "I have no time for your games, (y/n). I could have you arrested for treason right now, considering all the trouble you've caused me. But..." He paused, shaking his head in recollection, "I'm willing to cut you a deal."

(y/n) arched an eyebrow and motioned for Shepherd to proceed.

"Surrender yourself to Al-Qatala and the Cartel. Extract vital information about the missiles' destination and location. We'll have the Shadows on standby for your exfiltration. Afterward, you put Specter to bed and become acting Commander of the Shadows. Task Force 141 will be disavowed and the Shadows will be taking over the mission after you return to Las Almas." Shepherd explained, the gravity of the task ahead weighing heavily in the air.

"And if I refuse?" (y/n) inquired, her voice tinged with defiance.

"Your Task Force 141 comrades will be executed for treason." the General affirmed. (y/n) felt a sharp pang in her chest, torn between her loyalties and the grim ultimatum laid before her. Betraying 141 and the Vaqueros was the last thing she had ever wanted to do, but Shepherd knew exactly how to exploit her vulnerabilities. This was her sole opportunity for redemption, a chance to atone for her past transgressions. However, she wasn't entirely selfish; she would willingly sacrifice herself to protect her team. But, at the same time, she couldn't bring herself to submit to the horrors that awaited her at the hands of Al-Qatala and the cartel. Filled with frustration and anger, (y/n) slammed the laptop shut and began pacing around the tent, grappling with the weight of her decision.

"Are you ready, (y/n)?" Alex's voice broke through her turbulent thoughts as he poked his head into the tent. In his hands, he held the guns that she had left behind. He still couldn't quite grasp the reasons behind (y/n)'s caution concerning Phillip, but he trusted his sister's judgment. (y/n) responded with a hum and a nod, taking her guns and swiftly strapping her handguns to her thighs, while slinging her assault rifle over her shoulder. Turning to face her brother, she gestured that she was ready. Alex nodded and left her alone in the tent, allowing her a moment of solitude.

(y/n) followed behind her brother pulling out a small phone and dialing a number.

"Hello?" a voice on the other end of the line answered.

"This is Shadow Z-10. I'm ready."

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