38 - The Joke Shop

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A/N: Happy 43rd birthday Draco!


So, I've lost my parents, boyfriend, godfather, and now my best friend.

Who is next on my list of loves who leave me?

Admittedly I'm being a tad dramatic because I don't remember my parents, and they left me to save my life.

Only, my life is pretty shit right now, so I'm letting them down on that wee factor big time.

Yes - let me ride this self pity train. I need it right now because it suits my mood beautifully.

I am currently returned to four Privet Drive, and I am actually grateful, because Dudley is here, and is still at least very much present in my life.

The fact that a Muggle is the least toxic person in my life right now speaks volumes.

"Promise me you won't ever leave me," I whisper to him as we sway side by side on the swings in the park. "Promise me you'll always be my cousin."

He takes my hand in mine and gently squeezes my fingers, his warm eyes sparkling.

"I'll always be your cousin, Harri. Plus, you saved my life last summer, so I'm kinda indebted to you eternally."

I smile back, but my heart remains sitting very much heavily in my chest.

It doesn't help when Dumbledore chooses that moment to turn up and kidnap me away from my only family, insisting that his need to use me to recruit a new teacher is more urgent than my mental wellbeing.

But that doesn't surprise me. Dumbledore has always been a selfish prick like that.


"Why the hell have you brought me here?!" I ask Dumbledore in horror when he returns me not back to my home in Privet Drive, but to the Burrow where my ex-boyfriend lives.

"I've asked Molly to take you in for the rest of the summer," Dumbledore shrugs. "It seems easier this way."

Oh fuck no! I cannot face Fred. I cannot face him ever again after he dumped me like that! What is wrong with Dumbledore?

And oh my god, I kissed Draco. I actually kissed Draco. I feel rotten, like I've somehow cheated on Fred and I feel so ashamed.

But as luck would have it, Fred isn't here.

I know this because Molly makes me sleep in the twins' room, which is completely freaky and weird to me.

And when I crawl into one of the beds I know instantly it is Fred's. It smells just like him as I hug his covers around me and cry into his pillow.

"They live at the joke shop now," Ron explains the following morning over pancakes and pumpkin juice. "Business is booming apparently so they never leave the place."

"Speaking of which!" Molly clasps her hands together, her face full of jubilant joy, "I thought we could visit them today whilst we go and fetch all your school bits from Diagon Alley!"

I am filled with panic. It has been over four months since I've seen Fred and I'm still not ready to see him now.

"Um, I think I might be coming down with something, actually," I say, dramatically lifting a hand to my forehead. "If I just give you a list and-"

"Nonsense!" Molly interrupts. "I've got potions for every common ailment in my cupboard. You'll be right as rain for a shopping spree, and then some!"

Ah, crap.

I politely decline a potion and instead accept my fate.

It's not all bad, actually. Apart from the part when I bump into Draco in Madam Malkin's. The moody bitch barely acknowledges me as he swiftly storms past me out of the shop the moment we enter. Narcissa follows behind him, touching my arm briefly as she passes me.

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