10 - Surprise!

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My heart races uneasily as I look up at the shop before me, the large, animated face of what could be either Fred or George offering me a garish greeting.

Hesitantly, I glance back over my shoulder. Draco, who is standing on the other side of the street, gives me an encouraging nod as Lily sits on his hip, reaching up a chubby hand to grab a fistful of his white-blond hair. I smile as Draco tickles her under her arm, a trick he has learnt only too quickly.

Taking a deep breath, I push open the door, a tinkling bell announcing my entrance. Luckily, the place is so crowded however, that no one seems to notice.

I slowly make my way through the aisles of excited children, all trying out the products invented by Fred and George, counting out their pocket money as they work out what they can afford. There is so much laughter. I can't help but feel warmed by it, knowing that this is all Fred ever wanted: to make people laugh.


A hand lands on my shoulder and, startled, I turn around, coming face to face with an old friend.

"Harri?" Ron repeats, the shock on his face instantly softening. "It's really you."

"Hey Ron," I say, offering him a small smile. "How are you?"

And then suddenly I am enveloped in a tight hug, my nostrils filled with the scent of the Gryffindor.

"Where have you been?" He breathes as he squeezes me tightly. "We've all been so worried."

"I'm sorry," I say quickly, feeling suddenly overwhelmed with emotion, "I had to get away. I just couldn't cope-"

"It's alright, I get it." Ron says, letting me go, his expression pained. "Fred's funeral was tough. Mum's gone mad with grief since Fred disappeared from the portrait. She hasn't spoken a word in two years."

I stare up at him in shock. "What?"

"Reckon Percy had something to do with it." Ron says darkly. "He said at the funeral that it wasn't healthy how she kept chatting to it as though Fred were still alive. The next day, Fred had vanished from his portrait and he's never come back."

Oh god, this was worse than I'd feared.

"And what about George?" I ask, hardly daring to breathe.

"Keeping himself busy," Ron shrugs. "Hermione and I have moved in with him so that I can help him out with the shop. 'mione's over at the Ministry making big waves." He beams proudly as he puffs his chest out. "We got married three months ago."

"Congratulations," I say, smiling hard. "I always knew you two would end up together."

"Yeah," Ron smiles. And then his face falls. "Mum didn't attend the wedding though. She didn't even get out of bed to wish me luck."

"I'm so sorry," I say, not knowing what else I can add. If Molly won't get out of bed to see her youngest son get married, then what chance is there that she will get out of bed for a grandchild?

An awkward silence falls between us, and I look around, hugging my arms around myself, feeling lost without Lily. "Um- Is George about?"

"Yeah," Ron says, nodding to a door at the back of the shop. "He's just fetching some supplies from the storeroom. Go say hi, he'll be pleased to see you."

"Thank you," I smile. "And seriously, I'm happy for you and Hermione."

"Come over for dinner sometime," Ron says. "She'd love to see you."

I hesitate, wanting to say yes, but knowing I may very well not be welcome after the surprise I am just about to drop on the family.

"I'd like that," I say, touching a hand to his elbow to show my sincerity.

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