Ch. 14: Confrontation

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Silence fell between the two as Jean registered what Allura has said. "They're not...corrupted...?" Jean mumbled, "Then that would mean..." she looked up suddenly, her eyes widening at the female in front of her.

"Finally pieced it together, have you?"

"I don't understand," the female's mind scrambled to piece together the information she was given. "If the Spirit's aren't corrupted that can only mean that you've been evil this entire time. Which doesn't add up, why would you want to stop Angra Mainyu from destroying the world if you wanted it to be."

"Angra Mainyu wanted to destroy the world, my squadron and kingdom wants to rule it," Allura spoke. "We came up with the perfect plan: head to the past to grab hold of the magic of old and bring it forth to defeat the Spirit's our ancestors once controlled."

"...did you just rhyme?"

Allura ignored the female, "Coming to the present through you was quite the experience. Having to protect you in the Grail War was quite taxing of a task," she walked around the same space they were in. "I mean, to actually think that you survived when you didn't originally."

Jean froze in her spot, her hands shaking faintly. "What—" her mouth became dry. "What do you mean originally?"

"What? Do you really think this was the original timeline? We've tried this experiment multiple times and each have failed. But you, you've exceeded our expectations so much," the girl crossed her arms and stood in front of Jean. "I guess you really were the chosen one."

"You manipulative granddaughter of a me," Jean's eyes narrowed. "This entire time, you've been using me. Using my fears, my thoughts, even my future against me just to fulfil your nightmarish wishes."

"Well yeah," Allura said as if it was obvious. "I forgot how naive you could be," she rolled her eyes faintly.

"And what about the Guardians? Was that real?"

"Oh yes," Allura spoke, "but not in the way you think. Guardian's are indeed real, however they died out long before either of us were born. We simply took the name as a safe measure of sorts in case any of our ancestors asked us about it."

"And what do you plan to do now? I'm dead and I doubt Elias is going to continue with your plan."

"There's one thing I forgot to mention..." Allura took a step forward, the area around her turned to the blackish mud of the Grail and her eyes seemed to grow hollow. A sickening smirk appeared on her face, "I work for the Mage King."

The black mud wrapped around the Tohsaka, sinking her into the floor until nothing was left.


Blue eyes opened, her eyes focusing on the ceiling in front of her. The sky was bright blue but the smoke and screams of the citizens broke the beautiful scene. The female stood up walking over to the window as a smirk doned her face. Her eyes sparkled in slight amusement as she saw the citizens of Uruk get torn apart by the monsters of Tiamat.

"Jean, you're—" the voice stopped in the middle of its sentence, the sound of a tray falling on the ground resonating the room. The girl turned to the intruder, Diarmuid stood there. His eyes wide in disbelief and his mouth open in shock. "How...?"

"That's such a cute face you make. Unfortunately, I have other things I must deal with," she fell out of the window, her body glowing faintly as she flew towards the battle. The Lancer didn't take any time into rushing into the throne room, confusion and worry on his face as he interrupted the king.

"We have a situation!" Diarmuid spoke, his voice echoing through the room.

"I don't have time to deal with whatever petty nonesense you have to speak about. We are at war," the King stated, waving the knight off and turning towards his soldiers. "Keep the line at the North wall, everyone else must keep the streets clear of any of the monsters."

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