Ch. 23: Goodbye's Aren't Forever

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The two stayed in silence for a few moments, the sun slowly rising behind them as the moon sunk below the earth's horizon. The sight was beautiful, the dark of the night slowly fading into a beautiful orange and purple hue as the sun rose.

"Mrs. Jean! King Gilgamesh!" the two lifted their heads to the sound of Fujimaru. The trio of humans ran toward them, Ishtar hovering over the ground as they neared the King and Servant duo.

"Dia!" Jean got up from her place on the steps and jumped into his arms. He easily held her up, the two kissing as if they'd never see each other again. They pulled apart and Diarmuid immediately put hit head on her shoulder. His face nuzzled into her neck as he breathed a sigh of relief that he made it in time.

"I thought I was too late," he mumbled, "thought I didn't get the chance to say goodbye."

"Like I'd let myself leave without saying a proper goodbye for the second time," Jean pulled away from the embrace for a moment giving him a peck on the lips. She pulled him in again, "I'm so glad that you're okay."

"You are late," Gilgamesh spoke, "you certainly took your time in getting here."

"Then you should've met up with them!" Ishtar exclaimed. "You wouldn't have gotten to say goodbye if you stayed here and they didn't make it in time. But you insisted on staying in this dump!"

"Either way, it' an honor to see you before we go, your highness," Fujimaru spoke before turning to Jean. "You as well, Mrs. Jean. It was great to see you once more!"

Jean smiled warmly at the two as she pulled away from Diarmuid. "I'm glad I got to see you two near the end of your journey. It was certainly a welcome."

"Oh, the suns rising?" Mash pointed out before turning to Fujimaru with a brilliant smile. "Let's go see the sun rise for the last time in this Singularity, Senpai!" she grabbed Fujimaru's wrist and pulled him toward the stairs of the Ziggurat. Gilgamesh and Ishtar joined them, leisurely heading toward the top of the building.

Jean held onto Diarmuid, not wanting to go to the others just yet. Despite being upset with him for leaving Aoi in the present alone, she was glad he was there. She never had the chance to say a proper goodbye. To tell him everything that she wanted to before she had died. Now, she was able to get that chance.

"Diarmuid," he looked at her, his golden eyes holding confusion at the fact they weren't headed up to the top just yet. "I love you and Aoi so much," she spoke softly, her eyes weeling up with tears as she looked at the man. She ran her thumb on his cheek gently, her blue eyes showing sadness. This was it. These next few minutes were going to be their last. She could feel it. Her magic was slipping away.

Diarmuid grabbed her hand that was gently caressing his face, he rubbed the back of it with his palm. "This is it, isn't it?" He looked toward her, his lips tilted down into a slight frown.

Jean nodded, "I only have a few moments left, I'm afraid."

"Why does it seem that every time we have a slice of normalcy, a hint of peace...why does it feel like it gets ripped away from us?"

"I don't know," Jean shook her head slightly. She took in a deep breath before looking in his eyes. "We should probably meet the others up top."

Diarmuid nodded slightly before Jean led him to the top of the Ziggurat. The sunrise was beautiful, the bright sun peaked out of the horizon. A warm orange light faded to purple and then to the dark blue of the night. It brought a sense of comfort to Jean, reminding her of her time in Fuyuki where she would get up early to head to school. That seemed like such a long time ago.

"So," Ishtar spoke, as the duo walked up to the small group. The goddess turned to Gilgamesh with a raised eyebrow. "What exactly was that look about when we were fighting Tiamat?"

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