58: Fly The Fucking Plane

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AURORA STAYED silent for the majority of the plane ride, as she looked out of the small window, her eyes darting around at the ocean below. She had never been on a plane before, as the Maybanks had never had enough money to go on one- however, Aurora thought it was overrated. Rory would much rather be in the ocean than looking at it from above.

"So, what are you doing all the way out here?" JJ asked the stranger, as he leant through the front seat.

Jimmy replied, "I got a little guide outfit in Saint Vincent. I was spottin' fish, you know, the usual. Wahoo."

JJ frowned, sharing the same nervous expression with John B, before moving closer to the Pogues. JJ lowered his voice, "Wahoo don't run in September. Ever, alright? So, whoever this man is, he's not a fisherman."

Pope suggested, "Maybe the run starts earlier out here."

"Are you sure about that? In the Caribbean?" JJ questioned.

"No, I know what this is." Sarah whispered, "He's working for my dad and he's probably been looking for us the entire time."

Rory noticed a brown bag hanging from the seat of Jimmy's chair, before edging towards it quietly. She looked at John B, hinting at the boy to distract the Pilot. Rory opened the brown bag slowly, pulling out books and supplies from his bag.

"Wait, what does that say?" JJ whispered, as he held a book in his hand and pointed to the title which was written in cursive.

"Uh, The Loss of El Dorado." Aurora read quietly, as she flicked through the pages of the book quickly, "It looks ancient as shit- wait."

Rory stopped flicking through the pages when she found a picture of a boat which had been slipped between the pages. She took it out, looking at the Boat in the picture then passing it to Sarah.

"The Coastal Venture." Sarah whispered, "Oh my God. This is the boat we were on.  With Eberhimi and the cross."

Cleo questioned, "So he was lookin' for us?"

"Exactly." Sarah sighed, "He's working for my dad."

"Guy, what ever it is, it's happening fast. Look." Kie added, as she peered out of the window to see an island in the distance.

"That looks like Barbados." Cleo replied, "I've been there with Terrance."

"Okay, there's seven of us, one of him." JJ suggested, "You know my vote. We storm the cockpit."

JB disagreed quickly, "No, who's gonna fly the plane, dumbass?"

"I've seen Pope fly simulators." JJ exclaimed.

"I crop-dusted got my uncle last summer." Pope corrected, "This is not the same thing."

Kie stressed, "We don't have time to pretend that's a real option."

"Fine, do you have an idea?" JJ retorted sarcastically.

Kie argued, "Something safe."

Rory suggested, "What if we jump out of the plane?"

"I said something safe." Kiara repeated, "Not suicidal."

Rory made a face, "There's water beneath us though-"

"That's unfortunately not how it works." Pope explained, "One wrong move and the impact of the water could break bones or knock us out."

Rory raised her eyebrows in shock, "Oh."

Pope suggested, "Why don't we just wait until the plane lands somewhere safe, and then we sneak out. And if somebody comes to mess with us, we mad-dog them."

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