59: Big Mistake

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THE SIX Pogues wondered the unknown streets of Barbados cluelessly, trying to look for 101 CattleWash. Sarah held Rory's hand, whilst JJ made sarcastic remarks the entire journey. Luckily for the teenagers, Cleo had some experience in finding places, so lead the group confidently to a small blue house on the shoreline.

"Really helps there's no names on the streets." JJ remarked again, causing his sister to roll her eyes in annoyance.

The Pogues secretly entered the blue house, sneaking in through the gate. John B pushed himself up onto the wall, before climbing through the window of the kitchen. Pope crouched down, getting ready to help boost Rory up to the window, until JJ let out a gasp,

"Yo! Get off." He shook his foot violently, before trying to pick the crab off of his shoe. JJ raised his voice as the crab pinched his finger, "Dude, get off! Get- Ow! Shit, dude-"

"Shh." Cleo shushed the boy, "It's just a crab!"

"What are you doing?" Pope questioned, "Does the element of surprise mean nothing to you?"

"It made my finger turn purple." JJ examined, before quickly stepping back, "I'm being surrounded RIGHG now. Goddamn it. Little sea spider."

Rory tried to hide her smirk from her brother's behaviour, "It's a crab. It's more scared of you then you are of it."

"Does that explain why it bit me?" JJ shot back quickly, sarcasm laced through his voice as usual.

Rory made a face, "Crabs don't bite. They pinch, actually."

JJ whisper-yelled, "Do you wanna shut up?"

"Not particularly, no." Rory smiled sarcastically, before Pope helped her climb through the window.

The Pogues dispersed around the house, looking for Kiara or any clues Jimmy Portis might've left behind. Nothing. After stealing some of Portis' clothes and shoving it into her bag, Rory walked back into the kitchen, before seeing Pope and John B gathered around a painting. The image was unfamiliar to the girl, showing a burning boat sailing the sea.

Rory frowned, "What is it?"

"This is San Jose." Pope explained, "It's from Denmark's diary. This is the ship that Captain Limbrey stole the cross from."

"And the merchant gold." John B added.

"Great, whatever." JJ whispered truthfully, "It's just about the gold. It's not about Kiara. It doesn't help us."

Cleo whistled, "Guys, guys, guys."

Sarah rushed towards the window, "Shit. It's Portis. Do we run?"

The group shared the same expressions, all thinking of the same idea. The Pogues hid around the house, getting ready to jump out. Rory crouched next to cleo, as they hid under the table, watching Jimmy Portis enter his house. Suddenly, yet expected, JJ lunged out from behind the door, punching the man in the face as Pope held him from running.

Aurora held her knife, which was from the Armoury room on the boat, and held it to Portis' neck, as JJ and Cleo held him down.

The man edged away from the knife against his neck, "You guys really shouldn't be here right now."

JJ insisted, "Where is she?"

"Answer the man!" Cleo demanded sternly.

Jimmy scoffed, "You really don't want to know."

Rory glared at the man, tightening her grip of the knife, pushing it harder onto his skin. Sarah grabbed a bottle, placing it on his chin to push his head back, "Who took her? Was it Ward?"

"Who's Ward?" Jimmy laughed nervously, "You guys seriously don't know who you're messing with."

Sarah shot back, "We'll call the cops."

"Sure, call the cops." Portis replied shakily, "See how far that gets you. This guys owns the cops. He's got eyes all over the Island looking for you. All of you. He's a big man, the Kingfish."

"Kingfish?" Rory glared, "Who the fuck is Kingfish?"

Jimmy chuckled nervously, "You don't wanna know."

"Hey." Pope interrupted, a wad of money notes in his hand which he had retrieved from Jimmy's bag, "What's all this?"

Portis raised his voice, "Don't be going through my shit!"

"What's that, Jimmy?" JJ demanded, "Is that the payoff? Is that the payoff for Kiara, Jimmy? Is it!?"

"Talk!" Cleo shouted.

Pope retrieved another letter from Jimmy's bag, before asking, "What's Vaux Hall?"

"You really don't wanna go there, man." Jimmy explained, "It's the Lion's den."

"That's it." John B nodded, "That's where they have Kie. Come on."

"You really don't wanna go there!" Jimmy raised his voice, as John B and Pope started to exit the house.

Cleo snarled, "Do we look afraid?"

"You should be." Jimmy replied.

"Come on!" John B interrupted, "JJ, Cleo, Rory. Let's go. It's not worth it."

JJ and Cleo reluctantly let go of the man, before rushing towards the exit. However, Rory held the knife firm against his neck, glaring into his blue eyes.

Pope rushed, "Let's go- Rory, come on."

"Rory." JJ repeated, his eyes flickering between his sister and Sarah, who slowly approached her.

"Rory, we have to go." Sarah spoke calmly, resting her hand on Rory's shoulder and slightly pushing her away, "Let it go, okay? Breathe."

Aurora pushed the blade closer to his skin, leaving a dent in Jimmy's skin as she hesitantly let go. She put the knife in her back pocket, before walking away. Unexpectedly, Jimmy stood up, "Big mistake. You're gonna make it worse for her!"

Aurora stopped in her tracks, her blood boiling as her heart beat thumped louder. She stood still for a moment, as JJ and Sarah both turned around to her when they noticed she was no longer following. Suddenly, Aurora turned around whilst swinging her right fist into Jimmy's jaw, causing him to stumble over.

Rory scoffed, repeating what Jimmy had said to her, "Big mistake."

Sarah held Aurora's scarred arm, pulling her away as Rory continued to glare at Portis, who's nose dripped with blood. The six Pogues ran away from 101 CattleWash, only to end up in a everlasting green field. Of course, Rory lagged behind, the adrenaline had wore off so her knuckles began to throb. She shook her hand beside her discreetly, as she caught her breath,

"Pope, are you sure you got the right address." She asked, closing one eye from the brightness of the sun, "We've been walking for hours."

"I know you aren't talking to me about having the right address." Pope replied sarcastically, before pulling out the letter, "Look, it says Vaux Hall. Vaux Hall, it's on the map."

"We don't know if that's where we are." JJ reminded, as he looked confusedly at the map Pope was pointing to.

Pope exclaimed, "It's in the general vicinity."

"Why don't we just ask someone." Cleo suggested, as a tracker pulled up beside them. She cleared her throat, "Pardon I. You know where we can find Vaux Hall?"

"You kiddin' me, right?" The man replied, looking around at the fields of green, "Everything you can see all around you is Vaux Hall. All this, all this."

"Who lives up there?" Pope asked, pointing to a mansion in the distance.

"Carlos Singh." The man explained, "Just on the other side of that wall. But take it from me, he's no one you want to get to know."

Rory shared the same worried expression as her brother, before speaking, "Thanks."

"Thank you." Sarah added, watching the man drive off.

happy pride month!!!
love u all sm

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