I can fix it... I hope

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School oh yes school also known as hell, torture now who would go to school if they could sit and watch Netflix all day, now that is educational. Anyway so right now I am sitting probably should be taking Algebra notes but that's really not me.

When are we ever going to use Algebra in the real world.

"Miss Braxton, what is x-x+4x" the teacher Miss Poppy asked me. I looked at her wide eyed.

"Erm 3x?"I guessed, she nodded and I continued daydreaming. Finally the bell rang and torture was over for another day. I head straight to the studio texting my brothers where I'm going before they call the fricken cops again. Now that was funny, I was walking out to my car when a strong arm grabbed me from behind and pulled me into him. It was Eddie.

"Ed you can't do this in the middle of school grounds" I whispered, he was really close to me. My chest was pressed against his.

"Oh yeah" He said about to pull away when I smashed my lips onto his. He didn't react.

"Eddie they're at football practice they won't know a thing" I said as he smirked and kissed me back.

We kissed for a few minutes when we were interrupted by a sharp cough. We both turned heads touching and saw Rebecca standing there.

"Now now Amy what are you doing here" She tutted circling us. Of course it would have to be her; she has a gigantic crush on Nick and used me to try to get to him literally. I found them sprawled on my couch three years ago making out. So yeah.

"What do you want Rebecca?" I sighed,
"Oh I think you know what I want" She said. Oh god.

"Your brother Nicholas" She said,

"Sorry but I can't go around selling my brothers like a whore" I said

"Like how you were there" She said,

"Hey!" Eddie said "Don't call her that or those videos might come out" He said sharply. She paled and I grabbed Eddie's hand and pulled him away. I'm on the edge now with nerves.

A few days later me and Eddie plan to meet up.

"Hey what's up" I said kissing his cheek, he looks down like upset.

"My mom lost her job this morning" He said

"Which one?" I asked

"The cleaning one" He said and I placed my hand on top of his.

"So we'll just get a job together" I stated firmly.

"But..." He tried to protest.

"Shhh no buts" I said placing a finger on his lips. He smiled as I looked up.

"And I know the perfect place" I said pulling him towards my car.

"Welcome to Auntie Maz's Cafe" I said proudly looking on a small mint green tea shop.

"What?" Eddie questioned looking at me weirdly.

"My Auntie Maz owns this Café so I can work here" I said, he smiled as the door flung open and my auntie Maz stood, she was only 24 and had bright red ketchup coloured dyed hair.

"Amy" She screeched and hugged me. I laughed and hugged her back.

"And who is this handsom young man?" She asked,

"My boyfriend" I whispered, no wait yes he is.

"My boyfriend" I repeated louder this time. She smiled and grabbed both of our arms and pulled them inside.

"I can't do this" I moaned almost three hours later when I was icing a cake. It's god damn hard seriously we are the 21st century here people and you haven't invented a cake icing machine. Shame on you.

"Here let me help you" Eddie said standing behind me and holding my hand guiding them along. I glare at him childlike as I'm annoyed at how he can do that.

"Auntie Maz I'm gonna wait tables you and Eddie can do the cupcakey thingy" I said,

"Cupcakey thingy?" Eddie questioned, I nodded and bopped icing on the tip of his nose. I grabbed the apron and waited all of the tables. Then Auntie Maz took over again so I was in the back with Eddie and we started a cupcake war. I pulled out freshly baked cupcakes and a pie and served them up.

We became really good at it freakishly good, all I'm going to say is that I'd better pass my home ec test. Our joint wages came in the mail and I drove to Eddie's house to give them to his mom. That is a moment I will never forget.

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