Open Arms

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Stevie tossed and turned in her bed, her mind racing with thoughts of her husband Y/N. They had gotten into an argument earlier that day, and it had escalated quickly into a heated exchange of words. Now, they were sleeping in separate bedrooms, and Stevie couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and longing. She missed Y/N's touch, his embrace, his warmth.

As she lay there, unable to sleep, she heard a soft knock on her door. "Stevie?" Y/N's voice called out. "Can I come in?"

Stevie hesitated for a moment before responding. She wasn't sure if she was ready to confront Y/N yet, but at the same time, she couldn't bear the thought of being apart from him any longer. "Yes," she finally said, her voice barely above a whisper.

The door creaked open, and Y/N stepped inside. He looked tired, his hair tousled from sleep. "Hey," he said softly, his eyes meeting hers. "I couldn't sleep either."

Stevie sat up in bed, pulling the blankets tighter around her. "I miss you," she said, her voice trembling slightly.

Y/N nodded. "I miss you too," he said. "I hate sleeping alone."

Stevie bit her lip, unsure of what to say next. The silence between them was heavy, but she knew that she needed to break it. "I'm sorry," she whispered. "For what I said earlier. I didn't mean it."

Y/N crossed the room and sat down on the bed next to her. "I'm sorry too," he said, taking her hand in his. "I didn't mean to upset you."

Stevie leaned into him, resting her head on his shoulder. "I just wish we could go back to the way things were," she said. "When we were happy and in love."

Y/N wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. "We can," he said. "We just have to work through this together."

Stevie looked up at him, her eyes shining with tears. "I love you," she said.

Y/N smiled at her, his eyes softening. "I love you too," he said. "More than anything."

As they held each other, Stevie felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that they still had a lot of work to do, but for now, being in Y/N's arms was enough. They would figure it out together, one step at a time.

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