That Summer In Chicago

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It was the summer of 1962 and 13-year-old Stevie Nicks was visiting her relatives in Chicago, Illinois. One sunny day, she decided to go out for a walk and explore the neighborhood. As she was wandering around, she stumbled upon a group of boys playing stickball out in the street. Being the curious and adventurous girl she was, she couldn't resist watching them play.

As she was standing there, she noticed a boy with ocean blue eyes, brown slicked hair, lightly tanned skin, and a faint mustache. He was wearing a white t-shirt tucked into dark blue Levi's, an unbuttoned plaid overshirt, and black monochrome Converse shoes. Stevie couldn't help but find him quite the charmer.

"Hey, you! What are you doing over there?" the boy yelled over to her.

Stevie blushed and nervously walked over to the group. "I was just watching you guys play," she replied shyly.

"Well, do you wanna join us?" the boy asked, gesturing to the stickball bat.

Stevie hesitated for a moment, but then decided to give it a try. As she stepped up to the plate, the boy introduced himself as Y/N and gave her some tips on how to swing the bat. Stevie found Y/N to be very charming and couldn't help but feel a little crush forming.

As they played, Y/N and Stevie chatted and got to know each other better. Y/N was fascinated by Stevie's love for music and her dreams of becoming a famous singer one day. Stevie was equally fascinated by Y/N's passion for baseball and his dream of becoming a professional player.

Over the course of the summer, Stevie and Y/N became good friends. They would often spend their afternoons playing stickball, exploring the city, or just hanging out and talking. Stevie found herself falling more and more for Y/N's charming personality and handsome looks.

As the summer drew to a close, Stevie knew she would have to say goodbye to Y/N and return home. She was sad to leave him behind, but she knew that their memories together would last a lifetime.

"Promise me we'll stay in touch," Stevie said, holding back tears as she hugged Y/N goodbye.

"I promise," Y/N replied, holding her tightly. "And who knows, maybe one day we'll see each other again and I'll get to watch you perform on stage."

Stevie smiled at the thought and boarded her train back home, feeling grateful for the unforgettable summer she had spent with Y/N.


It was now 1977, and Stevie Nicks was on top of the world. She was touring the world with Fleetwood Mac after the massive success of their album "Rumours." After a long, grueling performance in Chicago, Stevie was backstage, catching her breath and getting ready to head back to the hotel.

As she was walking towards the exit, she saw a familiar face in the crowd. It was Y/N, the boy she had met all those years ago playing stickball in the streets of Chicago. He had brought his daughter, Calliope, with him, who was a die-hard Stevie Nicks fan.

"Y/N!" Stevie exclaimed, running over to him. "I can't believe it's you!"

"It's really good to see you, Stevie," Y/N said, smiling warmly. "You look amazing."

Stevie blushed and introduced herself to Calliope. The little girl was starstruck and couldn't believe that she was meeting her idol in person.

"Can we take a picture with you, Stevie?" Calliope asked, beaming with excitement.

"Of course!" Stevie replied, kneeling down to take a photo with the young fan.

As they posed for the photo, Y/N couldn't help but feel a rush of emotion. Seeing Stevie again after all these years brought back so many memories of their summer together. He had always followed her career and was proud of all that she had achieved.

"Stevie, I just wanted to say how amazing it is to see you up there on stage," Y/N said, his voice filled with admiration. "You've accomplished so much, and it's truly inspiring."

Stevie smiled and thanked him, feeling grateful for the support of her old friend. They chatted for a few more minutes before Y/N and Calliope had to leave to catch their ride home.

As they said their goodbyes, Y/N couldn't help but feel a twinge of sadness. Seeing Stevie again had brought back so many feelings from their summer together all those years ago. But he knew that their lives had taken them in different directions, and he was happy just to have had the chance to reconnect with her, even if it was just for a brief moment in time.


As Stevie was about to board the plane, Y/N knew he couldn't let her go without telling her how he truly felt. He pushed his way through the paparazzi and ran towards her, his heart pounding in his chest.

"Stevie, wait!" he called out, his voice filled with urgency.

Stevie turned around, surprised to see Y/N running towards her. But before she could say anything, Y/N grabbed her by the waist and pulled her into a passionate kiss. It was a kiss filled with all the love, passion, and longing that he had been holding onto for so many years.

As they broke apart, Y/N whispered in her ear, "Find me the next time you're in town..."

Stevie was taken aback by his sudden declaration of love. She had always had a soft spot for Y/N, but she never expected him to feel the same way. But as she looked into his ocean blue eyes, she knew that there was something special between them.

"I will," Stevie replied, smiling softly. "I promise."

As Stevie boarded the plane, she couldn't stop thinking about Y/N and the kiss they had shared. She knew that their lives had taken them in different directions, but she couldn't help but feel hopeful that they would find a way to be together again.

Over the next few months, Stevie and Y/N kept in touch, exchanging letters and phone calls whenever they could. They talked about their lives, their dreams, and the memories they shared from their summer together all those years ago.

Eventually, Fleetwood Mac returned to Chicago for another show, and Stevie knew that she had to see Y/N again. She made arrangements to meet him at a local coffee shop, and as she walked through the door, she saw him sitting at a table, waiting for her.

"Stevie," Y/N said, getting up to greet her. "It's so good to see you again."

Stevie smiled and sat down, feeling a rush of excitement as they began to catch up on old times. As they talked, Stevie knew that she had finally found the missing piece of her heart that she had been searching for all these years. And with Y/N by her side, she knew that anything was possible.

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