Rebellious Wallflower

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It was 1985, and the halls of the high school were buzzing with excitement as everyone prepared for the upcoming prom. Stevie Nicks, a drop-dead gorgeous but shy and quiet girl, spent most of her time alone, writing endlessly in her journal. She was known around school for her bohemian style and her hauntingly beautiful voice, but few people dared to approach her.

Y/N, on the other hand, was a rebellious punk rocker with a cold heart and ambitious attitude. He loved giving the teachers hell and causing mischief around campus, much to the dismay of the school administration. Y/N and Stevie couldn't have been more different - he was loud and brash, while she was quiet and introspective. But despite their differences, there was a deep connection between them.

Stevie had always had a massive crush on Y/N, especially since he was the only one who stuck up for her when the populars would pick on her. And behind Y/N's tough and ruthless persona, he held a massive soft spot for Stevie and would do anything to protect her.

One day, as Stevie was sitting alone in the courtyard, Y/N approached her. "Hey, Nicks," he said, flashing a rare smile. "Whatcha writin'?"

Stevie blushed, feeling a surge of nervous energy. "Oh, just some lyrics," she said. "I'm trying to write a song."

Y/N leaned in, intrigued. "Let me see," he said, holding out his hand.

Stevie hesitated for a moment before handing over her journal. Y/N scanned the page, his eyes widening as he read the words. "These are amazing," he said, handing the journal back to her. "You're really talented."

Stevie felt a rush of warmth spread through her chest as she looked up at Y/N. "Thank you," she said softly.

From that moment on, Y/N and Stevie grew closer. They spent hours talking and laughing together, and Y/N even started showing up to Stevie's gigs to hear her sing. The other students were baffled by the unlikely friendship between the punk rocker and the bohemian singer, but Y/N didn't care - he knew that Stevie was someone special.

As prom approached, Stevie found herself feeling more nervous than ever. She had never been asked to prom before, and she didn't know if anyone would want to go with her. But as she was sitting in the courtyard one day, Y/N approached her with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"Hey, Stevie," he said, grinning. "I was thinking...wanna go to prom with me?"

Stevie felt her heart skip a beat as she looked up at Y/N. "Really?" she said, almost disbelieving.

"Of course," Y/N said, taking her hand. "I wouldn't want to go with anyone else."

Stevie smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her body. As they walked away, hand in hand, she knew that this was the beginning of something special.As the night of the prom arrived, Stevie spent hours getting ready. She wore a flowing bohemian gown, her hair styled in loose waves, and her eyes smoky with makeup. She was nervous, but excited, to be going to prom with Y/N.

As they walked into the ballroom, Stevie felt a wave of insecurity wash over her. She saw the popular kids, dressed in their designer outfits and laughing loudly, and she felt small and insignificant by comparison.

But Y/N took her hand and led her to the dance floor, and soon they were lost in a sea of swirling colors and music. For a moment, Stevie forgot all about her worries and just enjoyed the moment.

But as the night wore on, the popular kids began to approach them. They sneered at Stevie's dress and made fun of her bohemian style. Stevie felt her confidence crumble as they picked on her, and she wished she could disappear.

Y/N, however, was having none of it. "Hey, lay off," he growled, stepping in front of Stevie protectively.

The popular kids laughed. "What, are you her knight in shining armor now?" one of them said.

Y/N didn't flinch. "No," he said, his voice low. "I'm just sick of people like you picking on people like her. Why don't you all go fuck eachother? cause' its only way your ever gonna get laid tonight."

The popular kids glared at him, but after a moment, they backed off and left Y/N and Stevie alone. Stevie felt her heart swell with gratitude as she looked up at Y/N.

"Thank you," she said softly.

Y/N shrugged. "No big deal," he said, his tough exterior melting away for a moment. "I've got your back."

Stevie smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest. As they danced together, she knew that she had found someone truly special. Someone who saw her for who she was, not just the bohemian girl in the corner. And she knew that she would always be grateful for that.

As the night fades away and the early morning light cracks over the horizon, Stevie and Y/N are both standing on Stevie's front porch, eyes engaged in a deep connection of love and affection.

"I had a lot fun tonight." Stevie says just above a whisper, her eyes never leaving his as he smirked.

"So did I." He responds, "better than any punk rock concert I've been to."

Stevie giggles at his remark and it's soon replaced with a gentle moan as Y/N's lips met hers, gently pulling her close and meeting her tongue, slowly tangling together.

His lips move lower and onto Stevie's pale neck, leaving a deep red love wound. Stevie whimpers and moans gently, her grip on Y/N's jacket tightening at the sensation.

He pulls away with a smirk. "Something to remember me by."

He soon steps off Stevie's porch and onto the sidewalk. Stevie watches as he struts down the street in his signature swagger. She gently runs her fingers along the fresh love wound on her neck and shakes her head with a small smile.

"Oh, Y/N. Your gonna be the death of me."

As the weeks went by, Stevie and Y/N's relationship blossomed into something deeper. They spent every moment together, writing songs and dreaming of a life beyond the small town they had grown up in. But their lives were far from perfect.

Stevie's parents were neglectful, leaving her to fend for herself most of the time. She had always felt like an outsider, even in her own home. Y/N's situation was even worse - his parents were horrifically abusive, both physically and emotionally. Y/N had never felt safe at home, and he had always dreamed of escaping.

One night, as they were sitting in the park, Stevie and Y/N made a decision. They were going to leave town and start life from scratch.

It wasn't an easy decision. They knew that they would be leaving everything behind - their families, their friends, and the only life they had ever known. But they also knew that they couldn't stay any longer. They needed to find a way out, to start over and build a new life together.

So they packed their bags and set out on the road. They played gigs wherever they could, singing and playing their hearts out. Stevie sang her heart out, and Y/N was her guitarist, captivating the audiences with his guitar skills.

It wasn't easy. They struggled to make ends meet, often sleeping in their car or in cheap motels. But they were determined to make it work.

And slowly but surely, things began to fall into place. They caught the attention of a record label, and before they knew it, they had a record deal. Their music was unlike anything anyone had ever heard before - it was raw, emotional, and deeply personal. People connected with it, and soon they had a massive following.

As they toured the world, Stevie and Y/N found themselves living the life they had always dreamed of. They were famous, successful, and deeply in love. They had left their old lives behind, but they had found something even better - a new life, a new family, and a new beginning.

And as they stood on stage, singing their hearts out to thousands of fans, they knew that they had each other. They had found true love, and there was nothing that could ever tear them apart.

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