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Miriam Fig was out conducting her research on ancient forms of magic. Her husband, Eleazar Fig, was tagging along. Recently, they had heard of large surges of powerful magic coming from the Forbidden Forest, the likes of which the Ministry had not seen before.

Eleazar had pleaded with Miriam to leave it to the Ministry, but he knew his pleas fell on deaf ears. He agreed Miriam could go search out this powerful magic, but only if he came along too.

Miriam didn't mind having her husband with her. They had recently found out that they would not be able to conceive children. Miriam had long looked forward to becoming a mother, and Eleazar had been her rock through finding out she might never get to live that dream. He soothed her with words of encouragement, saying they can always adopt one day. Having him around grounded her, and since the news she very rarely let him leave her side.

As they were trekking through the forest, they were surprised to find no creatures waiting for them. As silent as the Forest tends to be, the silence of this night blanketed them, giving off a sense of foreboding. Eleazar looked to Miriam, as if to see if she felt it as well. While she looked worried, she also looked determined, spiraled wand held tight at the ready by her side.

After hours of searching through the eerily empty forest, Eleazar was about to suggest they head back for the night to return tomorrow. As he opened his mouth, there was a loud crash, almost like thunder, nearby. They looked at each other, in understanding, and sprinted towards the noise. Wands at the ready, they ran into a clearing. Of all of the sights they had expected to encounter, nothing prepared them for what they saw.

A single young girl sat in the center of the clearing. She appeared dazed, starting blankly into the space ahead. Miriam began to approach her, her sole focus on helping this child, when Eleazar held her back. She looked at him confused, when he gestured to the area around them.

Miriam looked up, and for the first time noticed the devastation around them. Bodies thrown throughout the clearing, tents burning to ashes, the smoke causing a haze to quickly fill up their eye sight.

"We can't leave her El, she's just a babe" pleaded Miriam.
"I'm not suggesting we leave her my love, we just need to approach her cautiously. We don't know what caused this attack and what this poor girl witnessed. We don't want to startle her" said Eleazar.
"I'll be gentle darling."

Miriam slowly approach the girl, wand tucked back into her skirt. She held her hands forward, as if to not startle the child.
"Hello little one. Are you alright? Can we help take you out of here?"

The child looked up to Miriam. Her large light blue eyes glossy with unshed tears. As Miriam got closer, she realized the child's bright red hair was not red, but actually a soft blonde, caked with blood. The child let Miriam come close, until she had picked her up in her arms.

As soon as Miriam held her close, the child physically relaxed, a deep sigh escaping her lips. By the time Miriam had walked back to Eleazar, the child was asleep.

She looked to Eleazar, tears silently spilling out of her eyes. She knew in that moment, that they were meant to find this child. That it never mattered if they could conceive a child, because that was the night they had found their daughter.

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