Chapter 15

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Rosalind quickly made her way out of the doors. She used her magic to go through the shield that seemed to surround the building. Now that she looked at it closer, she realized she recognized the magic. It was Sebastian's. She wondered why he would need to have a barrier up at a wedding.

As soon as she was outside she apparated back to her home. As she landed in the living room she saw Odette drop the book in her hands and let out a shout.

"Shit boss what the hell! You scared the hell out of me why'd you pop in so abrupt?" Odette yelled at her as she picked up her book, making a frustrated noise that some of her pages were folded in.

Rosalind felt like she was struggling to breathe, unable to answer Odette. Odette finally looked up at Rosalind again, noticing her state.

"Hey, boss, you alright? Where were you anyway? I've never seen you shaken up like this?" Odette put her book down and walked over to Rosalind and guided her to the couch. She sat her down and let Rosalind catch her breath.

Rosalind thought as she was calming herself. Why shouldn't she tell Odette? She had been there for Rosalind for years, has been her only light in a very long time. Odette had no reason to trust and follow Rosalind back to Europe, but she did. Rosalind thought back to when she first met Odette on that faithful night back in America.


Rosalind was walking through the thick forest late that night. She was following a lead one of her followers had picked up. She still hadn't wrapped her mind around the fact that she had followers. She was starting to like it though.

It made sense, she was quickly becoming a well known dark witch in Europe. Though she was sure most weren't aware if she was a witch or wizard with how secretive she was and how she dressed. Her outfit typically consisted of a dark red or black shirt with fitted vest over top. She always had her black cloak that had intricate white designs over it, her now long blonde curls pulled back and hidden in her hood. Her black boots laced up her black pants. And just like now, she typically wore a blood red full face mask to hide her features.

Rosalind Fig was dead. She would do anything to keep her that way. She couldn't risk anyone recognizing her face.

However, Rosalind wasn't even sure if her face was recognizable anymore. After that night her father died, despite making it out alive, she had suffered a lot of damage. She had one scar that dragged across her left eye down to her chin, as well as another long gash across the bridge of her nose that just missed her right eye.

Her once bright blue eyes were a dull almost grey color, that she found flared red whenever she used her magic. At nineteen, she hadn't grown much in height but had filled out to look more like a woman, if she chose to present that way. The only part about herself she felt was recognizable was her blond curls. They were longer now, though she often thought of cutting them off due to how recognizable they were.

She was currently trying to track down a specific wizard. One of her new followers had found a lead that sent her to America. For the past two years, she had mainly been using her magic to take out the remaining Ashwinders and loyalists that were spread throughout Scotland and as she finding out, the rest of Europe.

She wasn't doing it out of the kindest of her heart. Oh no. It was pure revenge. She used all the unforgivables on the camps, torturing them to her deepest desires. Her favorite was to use Imperio on them and make them take themselves out.

This caused her to gain a reputation. Many were conflicted on this new person taking out the camps. Most didn't care how the camps were being taken out, as it was benefitting many hamlets and villages now that the dark wizards and goblins were being taken out. But others were afraid of the nature of the murders.

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