Chapter 13

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The three of them ended up sleeping in the living room that night. Sebastian lit the fireplace while Anne conjured pillows and blankets. They tucked Ominis in on the couch, while the twins laid on the floor in front of him by the fire.

"It's just like old times, sleeping on the floor by the fire," Anne whispered in the dark. Sebastian have a weak smile, though she couldn't see it. Their parents used to let them camp out in front of the fireplace, staying up late playing games and telling stories.

"How are you feeling Anne?" he asked back to her.

"Sebastian I've told you a thousand times. Whatever that witch did for me worked. I haven't found any affects or lingering pain. You can stop worrying Seb. I'm alright," she reached her hand out to Sebastian's and held it tight.

He clutched it back tightly. No matter how many times she reassured him, he was terrified of losing her too. He was lucky he didn't lose either of them after everything happened with his uncle.

He knew they still had nightmares about it, he did too. They often took turns comforting each other back to sleep. It haunted him that he was the reason they had these nightmares.

Anne and Ominis reassured him constantly, that they don't hold it over him. His nightmares often switched between Anne's curse returning and Ominis turning on him. He'd often find himself staying up, just watching the two of them to make sure they were here, they were real.

He fell asleep holding Anne's hand and listening to Ominis's snoring behind him.

He awoke the next morning, the fire long gone out. He panicked, Anne's hand no longer in his. He sat up, not seeing Anne nor Ominis around, heart racing until he smelled the aroma of food coming from the kitchen.

He calmed his breathing, before he made his way to the kitchen. Anne was making eggs on the stove, Ominis was sitting at the table drinking tea.

"Good morning Sebastian," Ominis said after his sip.

"Oh Seb! Finally your awake. I was thinking after breakfast maybe we can continue going through the house, cleaning and organizing? As much as I love sleeping in the family room with you two, we should probably figure out rooms, especially for when we have people over." Anne stated.

"I didn't even think of that, do the others even know we've now moved?" Sebastian asked. Ominis nodded his head.

"Professor Weasley had sent an owl this morning. She said she made the others aware of our new living arrangements. I'm not sure when anyone plans to come by next so I agree we should get the place together." Ominis said.

Sebastian nodded, agreeing that it'd be easier to get it done sooner rather than later. Anne handed him a plate of eggs and a cup of tea, before sitting down with her's and Ominis's plate. He took his time eating, anxious to be going through the Fig's house. Through her house.

Once they finished he grabbed everyone's plates and cups, careful to not drop anything. The last thing he wanted was to break the Fig's dishes. Well I guess they were their dishes now, but still.

The three of them decided to go through the rooms together, repeating what they had done the previous day. Sebastian opened the windows, while Anne and Ominis whisked the dust out with their wands.

Once the room was clean they would explore it. The first room they had done seemed to be a more formal sitting area. No doubt where the Figs hosted others when they invited them. The next seemed to be a study, full of books on all types of magic.

Sebastian was very thrilled seeing the walls lined with shelves full of both published books as well as written journals. He knew he was going to be spending a lot of time in that room.

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