Chapter 29

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"don't you ever grow up, it could stay this simple. and no one's ever burned you. nothings ever left you scarred." ~ never grow up by Taylor Swift

"There's my little princess! Look at you!" A woman knelt down in front of Rosalind. "Did Daddy do your hair for your special day?"

Rosalind rapidly nodded her head, feeling her pigtails bounce around her head. She heard her own small voice come out.

"Yup! And he told me that since it's my day I can pick whatever I want for breakfast!" The woman beamed down at Rosalind, before reaching out and picking her up and placing her on her hip.  Rosalind's small hand reached out to play with the loose blonde curls that spilled down the woman's shoulders.

"And let me guess," the woman's other hand came to her chin in a pondering motion. "Is it french toast?" Rosalind's giggle floated throughout the room.

"And bacon Mommy! You can't forget the bacon!" The woman laughed, before leaning her cheek against Rosalind's head.

"I could never forget the bacon, Thea. Come on, let's get breakfast started while your father finishes getting ready." The woman, her mother, started cooking while still holding Rosalind on her hip.

Rosalind closed her eyes and leaned her head on her mothers shoulder, listening as her mother hummed as she cooked.

She felt happy.

Sebastian watched as Rosalind opened her eyes, immediately bolting upright. She looked around the room she was in, a look of panic overcoming her face.

"Hey, hey, you're okay, you're safe." Sebastian slowly made his way closer to her, hands held out to show he meant her no harm.
Rosalind's head swung over to him, her eyes wide and full of concern. It wasn't until he saw the recognition in them that he relaxed.

"Sebastian? What.. what happened? Where are we?" Rosalind continued to look around the room as Sebastian sat on the bed next to her.

"We're at an Inn out in a village near Paris." She looked back to him at his answer, her eyebrows furrowed.

"France? Any particular reason why you decided to take me away to France now?" Sebastian watched her face as her expression was mixed between confusion and frustration.

"What is the last thing you remember?" He gently grabbed her chin, making her constantly moving eyes focus on his as he spoke to her.

"What do you mean what do I remember? We went back to check out the place I had told you guys about. We found nothing else of importance so we left. Can you please tell me what is going on?"

"It seems like they did something to your memory. Ominis is the best Legilimens among us but it might take some time for him to figure out what they did..." Rosalind slapped her hand over Sebastian's mouth to stop him from rambling more.

"Sebastian. Stop talking and answer my question. What. Happened." Sebastian nodded, signaling he'd listen. She removed her hand from his mouth. "Go on now."

Sebastian sighed, running a hand through his hair as he thought about how to go about telling her she had been kidnapped for over a week and had no memory of it.

"When we got there, we ran into a group of Aurors. Anne and Ominis were among them." Rosalind's eyes went wide, Sebastian realized she really did have no recollection of what happened. "Essentially we fought, though Anne and Ominis sided with us. However..." he trailed off, flexing his arm that had gotten hit with the curse while saving Julian.

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