Chapter 21

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content warning for torture, trafficking,, self harm, and suicide

more than anything, i want to save you from myself - milk and honey by rupi kaur

Rosalind left the hideout to head to her destination. The worker she had kidnapped had proven to be useful after all. She hadn't been able to get specific names out of him but she was able to get a location.

Sometimes she felt like she was on a wild goose chase. But taking out those ministry workers was a least a step in the right direction. She was aware of how the public was acting to ministry workers being killed.

If only they knew what those scum were up to.

It had been years since Rosalind had thought she had taken out those trafficking rings with Odette. But she had found out they were never fully eradicated. They had changed their ways. They went further underground and had just let the world think they were gone.

She had found out one day when she was in London around 3 years ago. She couldn't remember why she had been in London, but she had caught sight of a man with five children with him. The children looked dirty and scared.

Something happened to Rosalind at the sight, an excruciating pain hitting her head, partially blinding her for a second. When her sight came back, she saw the man moving the children into an alleyway.

She had followed them, staying in the shadows to remain unseen. She saw him putting the children into a carriage. One was a little girl, no older then five years old, practically shaking in fear, not moving from her spot. She watched the man reach his arm back as if to hit her.

Rosalind didn't give him the chance. She quickly sprinted over and had a hold of his arm before it could come down. She had twisted it back and slammed him into the wall. The man's wand fell out of his other hand, leaving him defenseless.

She turned back to the kids. She could see the glow of her eyes in the dark alley. She was sure the sight of her scared them, with her two large scars on her face and the glow of her red eyes.

"Go on, get out of here." She tried to say as gently as she could. Three of the children ran as fast as their little legs could go. The fourth, a boy slightly older then the rest, knelt down, hugging the little girl to him. Rosalind watched them, noticing how similar the two looked.

The boy looked at her, a mix of fear and gratitude.

"Thank you miss. Thank you, thank you..." He finally picked up the girl Rosalind suspected to be his sister before he ran off. Rosalind trained her focus back on the man in front of her.

"What were you planning to do with them?" she growled out.

The man spit at her, which did nothing but fuel the icy anger in her veins. She quickly apparated them to a room kept for her more distasteful activities back at her hideout. She made sure he quickly understood his mistake in planning to harm those children. She also did not appreciate the spit.

It was during her torturing him she had found out. That the rings had never stopped. They had simply changed tactics to go be able to go unnoticed by the public.

For the next few years Rosalind continued her best to try to find them again, taking out those involved. What she couldn't figure out then was how it was still operating without the knowledge of the public, or the Ministry.

Till she found out from one particularly weak minded man she had caught. The news had shattered any notion, even if it was a small one, of a just world that was left in her mind. He had whispered out as his last words...

The Forsaken Keeper Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora