Chapter 5

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"A full grown troll Ro? Merlin's beard are you alright? Are you hurt?" Her father shot questions at her as he looked her over, making sure she was still in one piece.

"I'm alright Dad, I promise. I'm sure if I wasn't Sebastian would've dragged me off to the hospital wing." She hugged her dad, hoping to calm him down. She could tell how scared he was that she seemed to be the reason for the attack.

She had caught him up on the events of the afternoon, Rookwood, the goblin who she now knew to go by Ranrok, the troll. Even though everyone in Hogmeade was safe, she couldn't help but feel as if she is who put them in danger. First her mother, George, now the village. How many people were going to get hurt with seemingly her at the middle?

"Alright darling, why don't you head to bed. It's late, and after such a strenuous day you need the rest. Finish your tea, then off to bed."

When she finished her tea, she gave her dad a tight hug that he returned. She headed out of the classroom, just to run into the same chest she ran into earlier that day.

"Sebastian! What are you doing here? It's nearly curfew?"

He smirked at her, before he leaned in close and whispered,

"You still owe me an explanation Ms. Rosalind, don't think I forgot. Come, I have a place we can talk in private."

She shivered, and tried to play it off on the breeze in the corridor by wrapping her arms around herself. Sebastian's smirk deepened, but decided to play along with it. He took his robe off and wrapped it around Rosalind's shoulders.

Her blush deepened. He chuckled at her, and grabbed her hand leading her towards the DADA tower. Rosalind was quite confused as to where they were heading, when the came across an odd looking clock.

"It's called the Undercroft. Ominis showed it to me. It's technically his, and no one else knows about it besides him, me and my sister..." He looked sad for a moment. Rosalind didn't know he had a sister. Before she could ask, he continued his sentence.

"So, don't let Ominis know I told you, he'll never forgive me."

They headed into the Undercroft and Rosalind was taken back by the size of it.

"Wow, no professors know about this place?" She questioned.

"Correct, not even your father so please don't go ratting us out to him." He gave her a stern look.

"Please Sebastian, you think a girl tells her father all her secrets? You think so little of me." She faked a pout, and that caused him to drop the stern look for his signature smirk.

"Alright alright fair enough. Now, tell me everything. Why do you have one of the most powerful goblins and dark wizards after you?"

Rosalind swallowed. She hadn't really needed to tell anyone about her mothers death yet. Sebastian could see the hesitation and anxiety on her face. He conjured a couch, and grabbed her hand and lead her there. He didn't let go of her hand when they sat down.

"It's alright, take your time, I'm here."

So she told him. Everything. She told him about how her parents had found her, her mothers death, the dragon attack, her magic. She wasn't sure what about this boy made her trust him, but she trusted him with her deepest secrets.

By the time she finished, she didn't notice she was crying until he wiped one of her tears away. She flinched and he grew concerned at how easily she startled. Though he now could understand why.

"If you'll let me, I'd love to help you. You don't have to do this on your own Ro." He abruptly pulled her into a hug.

Rosalind started sobbing into his shoulder. At his comforting words and at the nickname that only her parents used. But for some reason, it sounded right coming out in his voice.

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