Chapter 6

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After getting back from the second trial, and her father helping her bandage up her wounds, she ended up in the Undercroft.

She didn't want to get back to her dorm and have her roommate, Samantha, interrogate her. That girl was constantly getting on her nerves, always asking about Sebastian as if Rosalind knew his every move of every second.

As she came into the Undercroft, she realized she heard yelling.

"For the last time Sebastian, NO. You know how I feel about the dark arts, I refuse. Now drop it."

Ominis walked away from Sebastian to the desk in the far corner. Sebastian stayed in the center of the room pacing back and forth while running a hand trough his hair. He looked up at her walking in.

"Merlin Ro what happened?? Are you alright?"

She looked towards Ominis, knowing he doesn't know about her extracurricular activities. Sebastian caught on, and dropped it before Ominis would catch on.

He lead her to the couch, noticing how she winced as she sat down. He looked at her with concern, but she just shook her head. She leaned in and whispered to him.

"What was Ominis yelling at you about?"

Sebastian sighed. He told her about Salazar's Scriptorium and what it might hold for him to help cure Anne. He had told her a bit ago about Anne being cursed by goblins and how much he's been doing to try to heal her.

He had even taken her to Feldcroft to met Anne. Rosalind instantly fell in love with her, she felt like a sister she never had. They talked for hours until their uncle came home and ruined it.

Since he had agreed to help her with her ancient magic things, she had agreed to help him with Anne. Researching was her speciality after all.

The knowledge of the scriptorium sparked something inside her, like her magic itself perked up at it. It clouded her mind a little bit, but she brushed it off as the exhaustion from the trial.

"Maybe I can talk to him? I know he's hesitant about the dark arts because of his family, but maybe we won't encounter anything like that down there?"

Sebastian sighed.

"You might as well try. Nothing else seems to be working at this point." Rosalind stood up slowly, wincing and grabbing her ribs at the motion. Sebastian stood to help her, but she quickly waved him away. She hobbled over to Ominis, and lightly put her hand on his shoulder as to not startle him.

It's something she started doing, light touches on his hand or shoulder to let him know she was there. He sighed when he felt her hand and leaned his cheek onto it.

"Did he ask you to come convince me?"

"No. I wanted to come talk to you. You seemed upset and I wanted to make sure you were okay." The words she spoke felt wrong. She did come here to convince him, so why was she acting so innocently?

"I just worry Seb is going to turn to the dark arts to try to cure Anne. They are not something to mess with. He of all people should understand that," Ominis sighed.

"I think he does Omi," where did that nickname come from, "you know how worried he is about Anne. Maybe this is what will help us finally find a cure. There might not be anything related to the dark arts down there." The thought of there not being any saddened her for some reason.

"It's Salazar Slytherins scriptorium. I would be shocked if there wasn't anything related to the dark arts down there," he frowned.

"How about this, we check it out, and if we encounter anything related to the dark arts, we leave?"

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