Chapter 11

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Sebastian was fighting back to back with Ominis. Despite everything that had gone on this past year, Ominis still stood by him. He was terrified they would turn him in, but Ominis seemed to sense the regret and grief that blanketed him.

Endless waves of goblins seemed to be appearing, professors and students taking them out as best as they could. They were doing well, some minor cuts and burns here or there but everyone was still alive.

It was when Sebastian had just knocked a few goblins off a ledge with Depulso that they felt the cavern shake. They all shared looks before they saw a hoard of goblins running towards them from the lower level.

They were preparing to fight more, but the goblins paid them no mind, seemingly running away from whatever was causing the rumbling from down below.


She was down there with Professor Fig, he had to get to her. Despite the goblins not fighting them, they struggled against them to get to the lower levels to help the two down there.

As Sebastian was running, he heard a roar not unlike a dragon. A dragon?? How in the bloody hell did a dragon get down there? He continued to push and fight past the goblins, Rosalind the only concern on his mind.

She hadn't even spoken to him since that night. He couldn't let anything happen to her. She had to know he regretted it, regretted everything. He wouldn't be able to beg for her forgiveness if she died down there.

He had almost gotten past the last of the goblins to enter the lower level, Ominis right behind him, when he heard a scream that shattered his heart.

He could hear Rosalind's pain fueled scream, and it caused him to freeze.

No. no. no. no no.

She had to be alright, she had to make it out. When he attempted to jump down to the next level, Ominis grabbed his arm and pulled him back. That's when he noticed the cavern was shaking even worse than before, the ceiling above them coming apart in pieces.

"Ominis let me go! She's down there we can't just leave her! I can't lose her!" Sebastian screamed back at Ominis. Ominis's eyes were full of unshed tears.

"You think I want that to happen Sebastian? I can't lose you too!" Ominis shouted back, the tears finally spilling over. Sebastian saw the rest of the group catch up with them behind Ominis.

"We have to do something! They're going to get buried down there!" The professors looked to each other before nodding. They helped blocking and blasting away rock, protecting themselves and the students as they searched for Rosalind and Professor Fig.

"We need to hurry! We cannot hold this up much longer." Professor Weasley shouted to the students.

That's when Sebastian saw it.

A body in the distance.

He bolted towards it, praying it was an enemy body. He let out a sob once he got closer.

It was Professor Fig. His eyes closed, almost looking peaceful. In his hands he held a wand Sebastian didn't recognize, but based off the descriptions Rosalind had given him, looked like her mothers wand.

He knelt down, checking for a pulse. The rest had caught up to him, he heard gasps behind him, a sob coming from Poppy's lips. He heard Garreth whisper to Ominis that it was Professor Fig, a mixed look of both relief and grief came onto his face.

It wasn't Rosalind, but where was she?

It wasn't till he looked next to the professor's body did he see it. A soft outline on the ground next to his body, almost curled around him. And on top of it was a wand, and a small gold locket.

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