Chapter 26

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"i used to think i was smart, but you made me look so naive, the way you sold me for parts ~ vampire by olivia rodrigo

Odette made her way back to the house. She took some time to calm herself down as she didn't want to worry Julian. If he was even awake that is. She made sure his bleeding had stopped and that he was stable before she went back to help out Thea.

God, they had Thea.

No, she had to think positive. She's a brilliant witch, she most likely got away and that's why there weren't any more bodies left. Right, positive.

She walked back into the house and let out a yelp when she collided with a chest.

"Julian? What in the hell are you doing up? You need to rest!" She started pushing him back towards the couch in the front room, which was relatively easy with how weak he was in the moment.

"I don't need to rest I need to go help her. I'm not just sitting here while she's out there fighting," He shrugged Odette's hands off of him and pushed past her.

"Julian, stop, you can't..." He whipped around on her, and she didn't miss the slight trip in his step as he did so.

"You don't tell me what to do. You left her out there. I would've never..."

"I left to save you you ass. What was I supposed to do just let you bleed out just so I could..."

"Yes." He cut her off. "You should've left me and helped her. Why are you even still here, why haven't you gone back for her?" His eyes were full of fire. Odette was used to them bickering, but he had never been angry at her, not like this. She felt a pain in her heart at his words.

"I did go back," she whispered out. He stared at her, waiting for her to explain. "I went back and she was gone. Sebastian was the only one still there..."

"Fucking Sallow? We should've never trusted that prick to begin with." Julian turned around, storming off to the door again when Odette grabbed his arm.

"Julian stop! He had nothing to do with her disappearing. He was there to help her just like I was."

"If he was there to help why is she gone?"

"She asked us to get you and the others out. He got their friends out. She begged me to get you home and healed. I couldn't leave you there like that Jules to continue fighting when we were very obviously losing!"

Julian stopped trying to go for the door way, before pulling his arm from Odette's hands. He glanced at her, noticing the tears in her eyes as she yelled at him.

"Okay, I'm sorry okay? I shouldn't have lashed out at you. Thank you...for saving me."

"Well if we want to get technical, Sallow is actually who saved you from the curse. I just stitched you up." Julian rolled his eyes at her.

"Whatever. What are we doing to find her?" Julian made his way back over to the couch and sat down. Odette could see how pale he looked. Despite all the potions she had given him it would still take him a bit to fully heal.

"We are not doing anything right now. You're going to sit here and rest while I make sure you properly heal. We'll be meeting with Sebastian soon to work out plans but none of them work if you aren't properly healed. Got it?"

Julian weakly held his hands up in surrender, a smirk coming across his face.

"So does you taking care of me mean I have to listen to you whining all the time or will I manage to get some peace?" Odette threw a throw pillow at his face as he laughed.

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