Chapter 25

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"I think I've seen this film before, and I didn't like the ending." ~ exile by Taylor Swift



Rosalind's head whipped around to see the other Sallow twin with her wand held up to them. Next to her was Ominis, and behind them were aurors Rosalind hadn't seen before.

Shit, this wasn't good. Rosalind had not worn her mask, she hadn't even thought about it when they had first left to this place. She was slightly behind Sebastian, she wasn't sure if either of them had noticed her there yet.

Odette and Julian had spread out from them a bit, wands at the ready waiting on Rosalind's word of what to do. The fact that they recognized Sebastian made them think Rosalind knew them as well.

"Sebastian what in the bloody hell are you doing here? I've been worried sick!" Anne ran over before Ominis could stop her, grabbing Sebastian within a hug.

Rosalind held her wand tightly at her side, unsure what to do. She didn't want to reveal herself to them. She could tell the other aurors were acting on the couple's command. She glanced to Ominis as he seemed to be whispering to another auror.

"Anne, you shouldn't be here."

"I shouldn't be here? We're here investigating an incident that happened a few weeks ago. Why are you here? Where have you been?" As Anne stepped back from Sebastian, her eyes traveled behind him to Rosalind.

Anne froze, her eyes going wide. Well, shit. Rosalind was hoping that if they were to see her, they wouldn't recognize her after all these years. Luck was just not on her side this day.

"No... it can't be..." Anne couldn't look away from Rosalind, a wide array of emotions running across her face. Shock, confusion, anger, sadness, but the one that stuck out the most to Rosalind was, relief?

"Anne listen, I can explain..."

"He's working with them." The auror Ominis was whispering to stepped forward. "Look at them, all their clothing matches the outfits of the Angels." Rosalind's eyes trailed to the auror. She tried to gauge how much of a threat this group of aurors was. She knew Anne and Ominis were a powerhouse from what Sebastian had told her. But she would not risk her people getting hurt at the hands of some idiot aurors.

"That one's eyes even look like the rumors that have circulated about the Dark Angel. He's working directly with the same person that's killing us all off. Why else would he be the only one of us that's been taken that's still alive?" Damn she hadn't realized her eyes were glowing at the aurors words.

Anne had whipped around to face the auror, standing in front of her brother protectively.

"Are you insane? Sebastian would never..."

"Well of course you're going to defend him he's your own blood. Come to think about it, how are we to believe you two aren't also working with them as well? You are a team after all. You could've been the source of their information this entire time." While the auror had spoken, Ominis had made his way closer towards Anne. The other aurors had their wands raised towards the three Sallows. "For all we know, you told him we'd be here now for them to be able to ambush us!"

"Ominis, please let me explain..."

"Not now Sebastian."

"But Ominis, I need you to know..." Sebastian was aware Anne recognized Rosalind. He needed Ominis to know as well.

"Sebastian, I know. I recognized her magic when we first ran into her. It wasn't until right now I realized why I had recognized it. We don't have the ability to talk about this right now." Ominis's wand was casually in his hand. Rosalind knew better then most that just even though he couldn't see his enemies, he was deadly accurate with his aim.

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