Chapter 9

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Rosalind awoke to her body swaying. She was pressed against something warm. She cuddled into it, letting out a content sigh.

"Rose? Are you awake?"

The voice sounded far, it reminded her of the sound of wind chimes. Ominis.

"It's alright darling, I've got you."

"He tried to kill me..." She whispered against the chest her face was pressed into. His body froze, clutching her tighter to himself.

"Sebastian?" Ominis let out through clenched teeth. Rosalind tried to shake her head but the motion made her mind fuzzy so she stopped.

"Solomon. Sebastian saved me." Ominis let out a sigh, and continued walking.

"Anne sent me a letter saying Solomon was dead. She didn't mention either of you. I went to the Undercroft looking for you both, but it was only Sebastian sulking. I came to find you... you were so cold, you felt.. Merlin you felt dead Rose." He choked on his words, near sobs coming out as he described how her body had felt to him.

"I sure felt dead." She tried to joke, but her laugh came out as a pained grunt.

"Shh, it's alright Rose. Just sleep alright, I'll get you back safely." At those words, she drifted back to sleep, Ominis warmth chasing away all her thoughts.

She awoke to the sounds of hushed voices. Her body was cold, the sheets she was against did nothing to help warm her up. She must've made a sound or something as she felt a warm hand grab hers.

"My child are you awake?" The voice of her father drifted into her ears. She couldn't seem to form a response, almost like she wasn't fully awake, so she squeezed his hand as hard as she could.

"Oh Merlin Ro you gave us quiet a scare. Mr. Gaunt had brought you to the castle. He told of us of the Elder Sallow attacking you and the young Mr. Sallow. That he had attempted to use the killing curse on you..." her father had trailed off, sounding like he needed a moment to collect himself. "He told us how Mr. Sallow protected you. They're both waiting outside, they have been visiting you almost as much as I have. Would you like them to come in?"

Despite being not being able to see or talk, she did want them there. Her father holding her hand gave her the warmth the sheets could not provide her, and she hoped she could get that from her friends too.

She squeezed her fathers hand again. She heard movement, fast footsteps approaching her. Her father let go of her hand, and she felt two sets of hand grab hers.

"My Rose..."

"Ro! I'm so sorry.."

The boys spoke at the same time. She could hear her father walk away a bit, seemingly to give them privacy.

"Ro I'm so so sorry, I should've never left you alone there, I wasn't thinking. Ever since Anne destroyed the spell book, I realized.." he trailed off for a second. "I realized it was controlling me. It was poisoning my mind and I wasn't able to think properly. I'm so sorry." He seemed to be crying. She wanted to accept it, but the magic in her was fueling her anger still. He left her to die. If it wasn't for Ominis finding her, she would be dead.

She attempted to move away from him, finding her body not listening to her. She was becoming agitated. She didn't want to hold his hand. He didn't deserve to hold her hand. He left her to die.

That thought wouldn't leave her head. After everything she had done for him, he left her to die.

Ominis's breathe hitched beside her, noticing her increased breathing and heart rate. Before he could say something, Sebastian seemed to have noticed it too. He stood up, but before he let go of her hand, her brought it to his mouth and kissed her knuckles.

The Forsaken Keeper Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora