Chapter 23

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"All my flowers grew back as thorns, windows boarded up after the storm. He built a fire just to keep me warm" ~ Call It What You Want by Taylor Swift

"...and here I was thinking... have no pro... against the new fifth year... how well that turned..."

Rosalind heard whispers, the sentences dancing just out of reach so she was unable to fully comprehend what was being said. She was cold, much colder than she was when she fell asleep. She shivered, the movement seeming to catch the attention of whoever was in the room.

She felt warm hands touch her arms, relaxing her freezing body.

"I'm going to go grab her something warm to eat to help. I'll be back," a feminine voice said. Rosalind felt the bed dip next to her before she felt warmth surround her. She didn't have to question who it was with the sweet scent surrounding her. She felt his hands rub along her arms, attempting to warm her up.

"Geez Thea, you feel like ice. Dot went to get you some food." Rosalind opened her eyes, looking up into the deep chocolate ones looking down at her. She quirked her brow at the nickname.

"Dot?" She questioned.

"Yeah, well I wanted something different than 'Dottie'. It just makes sense because she's so small..."

"Watch it Sallow." Odette came back in the room, a tray with a bowl of something on it. She brought it over, while Sebastian moved Rosalind so she was sitting back against against his chest. Odette smirked at the motion, before setting the tray down on Rosalind's lap.

"Eat up boss. Julian has been bringing me updates and I hate it so I need you to get back on your feet, please," Odette gave Rosalind a pleading look, causing both Rosalind and Sebastian to laugh.

"Alright, let him know later today we can meet and go over the stuff he found alright?" Odette nodded, before winking at Rosalind and heading out the room. Before she could reach for the spoon, Sebastian's hand came around her and grabbed it, bringing it up towards her mouth.

"Careful, it's hot," his voice came as a whisper in her ear, sending chills throughout her body. He must've mistaken them for her still being cold, as his other hand moved from the tray to her arm.

He continued to feed her the soup in silence. He was being so gentle, caring, taking care of her despite knowing she could take care of herself. She felt her self melting into his chest. After she finished, she waved her hand making the tray float over to the coffee table.

"It's quiet impressive seeing you perform wandless magic," she could hear the smirk in his voice.

"Did you expect any less of me Sebastian?" She could feel the chuckle from being on top his chest.

"No, of course not. You're still pretty cold. Come on I had Dot run you a hot bath." Rosalind sat up as if to get up, but Sebastian stopped her. He put an arm behind her shoulders and another under her knees, swinging her and picking her up in the same motion as he stood. He started walking to the bathroom with her in his arms.

"I can walk you know," she grumbled into his neck, head laying on his shoulder. She could've sworn he shivered at the feel of her breath on his neck.

"I know." He didn't say anything else as he nudged the door open with his knee. He sat her down on the edge of the sink before he started to help remove her clothes.


"Come on now, nothing I haven't seen before," she blushes at his words. "Just let me help you, please." She nodded, letting him continue to strip her. It was very different then before, no lust coming from his movements, he was slow and gentle. She winced when his hands grazed the bandage on her stomach.

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