Chapter 8

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Feldcroft was up in flames. Villagers were either fleeing, or fighting off the hoards of goblins. Sebastian and Rosalind quickly joined in the action.

Rosalind was slaughtering goblins left and right, while Sebastian was blowing them to pieces. He missed this, them being together and fighting together. He watched her fight, and it was almost like she was dancing with how she dodged the goblins and threw spells their way. He continued to send glances her way, in awe of how effortless fighting came to her.

It wasn't until most of the goblins were killed, that he saw her. Anne was in the distance by their house, fighting off goblins on her own. She was handling herself well, but even so Sebastian started to make his way towards her, screaming her name.

Anne looked up to them, almost relieved they were there, when she doubled over in pain. There was still one goblin left, and Sebastian was too far to help.

"ANNE!" She look terrified, held her hand up as if that would stop the incoming attack from the magic infused goblin.


Sebastian hit the goblin with the curse before it could hurt Anne. Rosalind was impressed. She knew he knew the curse, but was surprised he used it in front of his sister.

She saw the green hue in his eye, and smirked. When the curse wasn't directed at her, she noticed she rather enjoyed how he looked casting them. He reminded her of herself.

He then surprised her even more, by making the goblin cut off its own head, directly in front of Anne. She knew she should've been horrified by the sight, but she wasn't. Something in her reviled at the events unfolding in front of her. At the actions or that it was Sebastian performing them, she wasn't sure.

Sebastian went to approach Anne, but she shied away from him, still clutching her stomach. Their uncle Solomon came running over, wand raised to Sebastian as he helped Anne up.

"Get out of here. NOW. If I ever hear of you two using the dark arts again, I will go to Headmaster Black."

Rosalind scoffed behind Sebastian. As if she cared if Black knew. They needed her at that school, no one got anything done without her. Between all the stupid shit the Keepers had her doing, on top of the endless errands everyone asked of her, Black didn't have the balls to do anything to her. Plus her father was a professor...

Her father. The thought of him knowing what she's done brought her back to her mind. She looked around at all the bodies around them, all the ones she murdered. She never felt the weight of her actions, until now. She looked to Sebastian, his eyes still glowing a faint green.

"Seb..." she whispered, and reached out to him.

He turned around, angry at his uncle for the situation. He grabbed Rosalind roughly and dragged her onto a broom. They silently made their way back to Hogwarts, her arms clutching around his waist. He continued to drag her down to the Undercroft, where he went on a rant about his uncle and how no one understands him.

Rosalind sat there, almost dazed. The past few weeks were a blur for her. She felt awake for the first time in a while. She could remember her moments with Ominis and her father, but everything else was a blur.

She kept trying to talk to Sebastian down, to get him to stop pacing the floor. It was making her head hurt even more. He finally huffed and plopped down on the floor next to her. He noticed how pale she looked for the first time.

"Hey, Ro, are you alright?" He finally addressed her.

She didn't look at him. She couldn't. She explained to him what the curse had done to her. What he had done to her. About all the goblins and wizards she had murdered in the last few weeks. How she felt no remorse, well until this moment. Thinking of her father finding out, of thinking her a monster... Oh god if Ominis found out...

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