Chapter 3

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They landed hard onto a stone ground. Rosalind landed hard on her leg, thinking she might've broke something.  Her father handed her a Wiggenweld to heal her up.

They explored the area, fascinated that she was able to see these blurs of glowing magic. They found a doorway, and were shocked to find it lead them to Gringotts.

The goblin there lead them to a vault, deeper than her father had apparently ever been. Stepping into the vault, the goblin locked them in.

After traveling through more doorways, and fighting an uncountable amount of stone knights, they stood in front of a pensive. They went into the memory together, and were taken back by hundreds of years to see a wizard wielding the glowing blue magic Rosalind could see.

"That's what you see child? It's beautiful. Ancient magic? Does this mean you can wield it as well? To think you possess the thing Miriam spent her life researching..." Her father continued to ramble, talking more to himself then Rosalind.

Before she could interrupt him, the doors were busted in. A goblin walked in, and Rosalind's heart stopped.

It was him. The goblin that killed her mother. Rosalind doesn't remember much of what happened next, but she saw their way out, a doorway out.

She grabbed her father and ran through the door, praying to Merlin that is closed behind them. She leaned against her father, seconds from breaking down again.

"There there love, it's alright I don't think they can follow us here," he reassured her.

"It's not that. Dad, it..." her voiced wavered. She took a second to collect herself, shaking her head to stay focused. "That was him Dad. That's the goblin that killed Mum."

Her father froze. They were both under the assumption whoever killed her mother had died in the aftermath. Another thing rang in Rosalind's mind.

"His armor. I didn't see it before, but it was glowing red."

"Ancient magic??" He father looked concerned.

"I... I don't believe so? The magic I typically see is a soft blue, his was a harsh red. Actually..." she thought back to the carriage ride, "the dragon also was glowing the same red."

Her father let out a large exhale. He hugged her close, both of them standing there for a minute to process everything that just happened.

"Alright, let's get heading to the school, I believe we're close, we might be able to make it in time for the sorting ceremony."


They did in fact make it in time for the ceremony, though just barely. Headmaster Black was throughly annoyed at them for being late.

Rosalind had spent a lot of her childhood wondering what house she would've been sorted into. Her father was a Gryffindor and her mother was a Ravenclaw, which really was no surprise to her with how much she loved her research.

She'd be happy to be in either of her parents houses. Or any house, the fact she was here, with her own magic, to be sorted into a house was a dream come true.

As she walked to the front of the hall, she caught the eyes of several students throughout.

A Hufflepuff with short brown hair, giving her a warm smile and a wave.
Two Gryffindors, one a redhead giving her a goofy grin then other a dark haired girl with a polite nod.
A Ravenclaw who at first was transfixed on the charmed night sky of the hall, giving her an embarrassed but happy grin.
And a group of Slytherins, one girl with a fierce but beautiful stare, and two boys, one with loose brown curls and the other with soft pale blond locks pushed back. The former was whispering something into the blonds ear, as he continued to stare at Rosalind. He gave a smirk, which caused Rosalind to finally look away and towards the hat on the chair.

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