Chapter 20

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"But it made you a stranger, it filled you with anger. Feels like I've been ready for you to come home for so long, that I didn't think to ask you where you'd gone." ~ Orange Juice by Noah Kahan

Sebastian held Rosalind to him tightly as she slept. His lips in her hair, one hand tangled in the curls on the back of her head, the other wrapped around her waist holding her close. Their legs were intertwined, he wanted every inch of her to be touching him.

He couldn't sleep. He was terrified if he did, that'd he'd wake up to it all being a dream. Rosalind would still be dead, and the night they just shared wouldn't have been real.

His mind raced with all the implications of what had happened. He knew he had loved Rosalind when he had decided to bring her to meet Anne all those years ago. And the woman in his arms looked and spoke like her. But he didn't know her. Not anymore.

He couldn't possibly understand why she had become a dark witch. Why she was killing Ministry workers? He still didn't understand why she had lead them to believe she's been dead for all these years.

His head was spinning with all these thoughts, until the smell of rain, lillies, and smoke finally lulled him to sleep.

Rosalind awoke to the sound of light snoring, the smell of old books and honeysuckles tickling her nose. She took a deep breath, before she opened her eyes.

Sebastian was holding her to his chest, so tightly it was almost making it hard for her to breathe. She wasn't sure how he was able to have such a tight hold on her while sound asleep. She traced over his face with her eyes as she watched him sleep.

He looked so peaceful. His long lashes brushed against his cheeks. His freckles splattered across his face like artwork she could stare at for hours. He was beautiful.

His chest moving below her was almost enough to let sleep take a hold of her again. But she knew she had places to be. She wasn't really sure what to do about this. She had missed him dearly, and the previous night had been everything she had fantasied about, more so even.

But he couldn't be wrapped up in this. He had no idea what she was doing here. He could never know either, it would ruin his life outside of here. But she couldn't let him go either. No one knew Rosalind Fig was still alive besides Odette, and now Sebastian. She couldn't trust if she let him leave he would keep it a secret from the others.

And she couldn't Oblivate him. All these years later she still regretted changing Anne's memories, even though she knew it was for the better. She couldn't bring herself to do it to someone she cared about again.

She sighed, looking up at his face once more. She was going to have to keep him here. For how long she wasn't sure. But this was the safest place for him right now.

She hoped he would understand.

With that thought she apparated out of his arms and back to her room at her house. She was finishing getting dressed when Odette barged into the room.

"Damn, Dottie, can't even knock anymore? What if I was indecent?" Rosalind sat down on the ground to lace up her boots. Odette gave her an eye roll before she sat next to her.

"So are you just going to leave the poor guy locked up there alone?" Odette looked at her. Rosalind sighed.

"Yes, I don't know, maybe. For now. He can't get wrapped up in this right now, but letting him go could ruin everything I've been working on." Rosalind stood up, nearly toppling over when Odette grabbed her arm to pull herself up.

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