Chapter 14

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Rosalind sat in her room staring at the newspaper. It had come a few days ago, yet she continued to stare at it. She heard a loud knock on the door, followed by shout.

"Wake up already! We got a lot plans for today! You may be the boss but that doesn't mean you can't piss people off. Let's go!" The voice yelled through the door before she heard the footsteps walk away.

She stared down at the newspaper one more time and read

"13 Jun 1901
Estranged Gaunt Heir to Marry"

Below the title was a picture. The couple seemed to be avoiding the photographer, hands attempting to cover their faces.

But Rosalind would never forget those faces.

Ominis Gaunt and Anne Sallow.

She could see in the picture that the hands not attempting to cover their faces were interlocked. The hand held above Anne's face held a beautiful engagement ring, practically sparkling in the moving picture.

"BOSS! I said let's gooooo!" The voice carried up from downstairs. Rosalind sighed and set the newspaper on her bed to get ready and head downstairs. She dressed in black leather pants, a loose black cotton top with a dark red corset over top.

She had just stepped in the kitchen when the voice yelled out again,

"BOSS.. oh hey sorry didn't realize you were right there. Good morning!!" The woman had turned around mid yell to notice Rosalind standing there. She had two mugs in her hand, full of the drink Rosalind had come to know as coffee.

Odette Logan.

She supposed most would call Odette her best friend, but Rosalind didn't have friends, not anymore. Odette had stuck with her since she first met her in America and no matter what she tried Odette stayed with her. Rosalind eventually just learned to accept it.

"How many times do I tell you not to call me boss? You're literally the only person I'm NOT the boss of, not that you'd listen to me anyway even if I was." She took a sip off the coffee, finally accustomed to the bitter taste. Though Odette claimed her coffee was barely bitter with how much milk and sugar she put in it.

"What else would I call you, Thea? I'm not calling you whatever that name is they came up for you, what was it like Black Death or something? You sound like a disease." Odette sipped her own coffee.

"Dark Angel.." Rosalind mumbled.

"Oh yeah sure Ms. Dark Angel. Yeah no I'm not calling you that, let alone literally in our house." Odette rolled her eyes at the name Rosalind had acquired.

"You can literally call me by my name. I've told you a bunch of times you can, you literally just used it." Now it was Rosalind's turn to roll her eyes.

"Look, you can tell me Theadora is your real name all you want, but I just don't believe you that you'd be that willing to tell anyone your real name. So I only use Thea when I have to, boss. You won't even call me your friend despite us literally being roommates, knowing each other for years, sharing deep dark secrets," Odette motioned her fingers in a spooky fashion, attempting to get a rise out of Rosalind.

Rosalind snorted into her coffee, getting it onto her face.

"Alright alright whatever. You said we had something to get to? I thought I didn't have anything till later this afternoon." Rosalind wiped the coffee off her face.

"Julian asked to meet this morning. I don't know something about new recruits," Odette waved her hand dismissively.

"Ugh what was the point of making him my second in command if he's constantly going to come to me with questions?" Rosalind sighed, rubbing her temples at the thought of this meeting.

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