Chapter 4

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Rosalind was waiting in the courtyard. She wasn't sure why she was so anxious, after all Sebastian seemed nice, even if he was a little arrogant. She, like normal, was lost in her head. That's why when Sebastian approached her, she didn't even notice until he put his hand on her shoulder.

"Hey new fifth year, I've heard my presence has been requested?"

Rosalind jumped at the touch, hand clutched on her borrowed wand. She relaxed when she realized it was just Sebastian, but the gestured was not lost on him.

"Hey I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you ready to go?"

For once, that smirk wasn't plastered on his face. He looked concerned, and Rosalind spent a second to study his face, the golden specks in his brown eyes, the freckles that spread across his checks like the stars Amit had pointed out to her the night before.

She nodded and Sebastian escorted her out of the courtyard towards Hogsmeade.

Sebastian spent the whole time telling Rosalind about the area, the ingredients that could be found for potions, pointing out professors and other students as they pass. He pointed out the Forbidden Forest to her, Rosalind shuddered, as her last memory in there was of the night her parents found her.

If Sebastian noticed the gesture, he didn't say anything.

Once they reached Hogsmeade, Sebastian left her to collect her supplies while he went to get stuff of his own. Rosalind got potions supplies, books, and even picked up a few new outfits as some of her favorites got destroyed in the carriage ride here.

She saved the part she was most excited for last, her wand.

She entered the dimly lit store, beyond excited that she's getting to visit an Olivanders for herself. She wished her parents were with her... but before she could go too deep into that thought, a man came around from the back.

"Ah! You must be Eleazar's daughter, little Rose! He sent an owl ahead stating you'd be by today for your wand. Are you ready?"

She was, it felt like something she was waiting for for a long time. She tried several of the wands he brought to her, but nothing felt right. Several times did the blue magic zap them out of her hand, but she was unsure if the shop keep could see it.

Finally, the next wand he placed in her hand she knew immediately was the one. Her whole body felt alive. She felt a warmth through her, a power she had never felt before.

As she stared at the wand, her eyes started to tear up. It was almost like it was made of two twisted and intertwined pieces of wood, and it reminded her so much of her mothers wand. She felt as if she had a piece of her mother with her now.  

"Very well indeed! You're all set to go, your father made sure everything was already taken care of."

"Thank you sir, have a nice rest of your day."

Rosalind kept looking at her wand as she left the store, so much so that she accidentally ran into someone outside the shop. She lost her balance before two hands landed on her shoulders holding her upright.

"Oh Merlin, pardon me I'm terribly sorry I wasn't looking..." Rosalind looked up and lost her train of thought as she realize the person she ran into was Sebastian. Signature smirk and all.

"Geez Rosalind, if you wanted to get that close to me you could've just asked." He winked at her as her face became red.

"Ha ha very funny Sebastian. I've finished all the shopping, are you ready to head back to the castle?" She couldn't calm her heart down, something about the way he said her name gave her an insane amount of butterflies in her stomach.

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