Chapter 22

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"Won't lose you again. Something's made your eyes go cold. Come on, come on don't leave me like this" ~ Haunted by Taylor Swift

Julian led Sebastian to a nearby room. He had almost forgotten he was a prisoner here. He was expecting Julian to leave but he didn't. He had leaned against the door, arms and ankles crossed, staring Sebastian up and down.

Sebastian crossed his own arms in return. They were around the same height, Julian's slightly curled hair darker than Sebastian's. Julian was thinner than him, more lean while Sebastian had more muscle. He was thinking about what the hell this guy wanted when he finally spoke.

"I'm assuming you're Sebastian Sallow?" The question caught him off guard.

"You know my name?" Damn, probably shouldn't have admitted him name considering this guy was most likely a dark wizard but it was too late now.

"Well your name is in the paper as one of the kidnapped. So it was easy to figure out." Sebastian just nodded at that. "You know her from before, don't you?" Sebastian just looked at him. He was very observant.

"Why does it matter to you?" Sebastian was getting irritated. He obviously trusted Rosalind in Odette's hands, but he wanted to be with her, to talk to her. Julian shrugged.

"She means a lot to me, to us. Me and Odette. And she hadn't had an episode like this in a long time, not until you showed up. So forgive me if you have me convinced you're responsible for her current state."

Sebastian saw red, before he punched Julian in the jaw. Julian's head was knocked to the side. He spit out a bit of blood, before he moved his gaze back to Sebastian. Julian's face was still neutral, but his eyes were ablaze.

"You'll be staying in here for now. Get comfortable." Julian then left the room and Sebastian heard the door lock. He looked around the room, much smaller than the one from before. A simple bed with a toilet behind a curtain. Now he really felt like a prisoner.

He laid down on the bed. Unable to stop his mind. Everything Julian had told them was running through his mind. The sight of Rosalind on the ground, bloody, would haunt him for the rest of his life. He wanted to go to her, comfort her. But he was locked in this damn room.

He wasn't sure how long he stared at the ceiling, hours probably. But he sat up as soon as he heard the door. Odette peaked her head in.

"Hey, she's asking for you. Come." Sebastian jumped out of the bed, practically pushing past Odette to see Rosalind. Odette had left the door open, so he could see her immediately. She was sitting on the floor in front of the fire, her eyes unfocused. Odette pushed him through the door and closed it behind him.

He went over to her, sitting beside her on the floor. He didn't say anything. Merlin what could he say? She leaned her head on his shoulder letting out a long sigh.

"I'm sorry," he looked to her, unsure what she was apologizing about. "For making you see me like that." He turned so he could look at her. He took her face in his hands, his thumbs running over her cheeks.

"My sweet Ro, don't you ever apologize for something like that. I was happy I was here to be able to help." He could see the tears well up in her eyes. He wanted to make her feel better. "I mean, image Odette trying to lug your body into the tub." It worked, Rosalind letting out a laugh at the thought.

"You know that's kinda what the magic is for. She would've been fine." She said dismissively. She then looked upset again. "I'm sorry I still have your wand. I... I hope you aren't upset at me for keeping you here," she bit her lip anxiously.

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