Twinkle and Friends 🧡🚶🔥🎲

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It's just something to cover the character Twinkle in the previous part. ✨️

Twinkle (She/Star/Twinkle pronouns) is an object - Algebralien hybrid, who is the leader of a group of friends that are all from various tribes in the world of Goiky (and all around the world).

The tribes are:
Objects, Algebraliens, Speaker Boxes, Davidians, Similars (which are humans, animals, those things), and Mixtures (a mix of two or more of the previous breeds)
Twinkle is a Mixture.

Twinkle is a hybrid who is mostly Algebralien, though twinkle has an object arm.

Will post pics separately because Wattpad has a bug where pictures sometimes won't work.

Word Total: 110

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