Freezeframe Eight "Freight" and L lore (CW) 🎲

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Freezeframe Eight (or Freight):

This Algebralien has their name and the nickname "Freight" to avoid getting confused with jacknjellify's Eight.

Now, Freight is a ditzy Algebralien who enjoys the spotlight but is often seen as "too goofy" to be a star. Some wonder if he's just crazy or insane. She isn't, just misunderstood in some cases. They are similar to Xana in some ways in terms of humor.

Titled "The Overly Misunderstood Klutz."

L (CW: body dysphoria/dysmorphia and EDs):

Content warning: The following story contains body dysphoria/dysmorphia and possible eating disorders.

L was never confident enough about their body image. They often worry about their weight, length, and width, as well as their wingspan. They sometimes even worry about their lazy eye. He fears bullying about his image, but the thing is, no one ever actually humiliated L.

But what mattered to L the most was their own opinion on their body. Sometimes, they'd cycle between not eating much or at all and eating a lot. They couldn't control it.

L has no title because it felt a little offensive to give them one, considering what his personality is influenced by.

While writing, I kept getting L and Nine mixed up in my head, lmao

Word total: 210

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