Orange and another Ten 😇💙💛🔥🎲

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Note: the purple Ten in this story and in ????? ????? belongs to Relevant-Zucchini68 on Reddit.

Two weeks after Ten was born, Fifteen decided to visit a friend that she knew from an old friend. The friend that she was visiting was the child of that old friend.

Fifteen headed to her old friend's house with Five and Ten.

She knocked on the door.

"Hi, Thirty-Six!"

"Hey, Fifteen! Long time no see!"

"How's the family, Thirtsquirt?"

"We're doing great! Since Violet Ten over here was adopted, they've had an easier time making new friends! How is Five doing?"

"Well, she's been doing great as a big sibling!"

"A big sibling?"

"Yep! I had another kid!"

"No way, Fifsqueak, that's great!"

"It sure is! May we visit Ten?"

"Sure! Ten, we have visitors!"

"Is it Fifteen?"

"You already know!"

"YAY! I can't wait to play with Five!"

"And she has some great news for you!"

"Ooooh, is it a surprise? I LOVE surprises!"

"You'll see! For now, you can play with Five while I make brunch!"

"Okay! Hey, Five, wanna play dress-up?"

"I'd love to!" said Five.

Thirty-Six laughed as the two headed into the hallway away from the kitchen.

Five and Violet Ten played dress-up in Ten's bedroom.

Five dressed up as a ghost, while Violet Ten dressed up as a fairy.

"I am Mabel, the most powerful fairy!" Ten said. "And I will help you on your quest to save Tax-Ye!"

"Hold on," said Five. "Who is Tax-Ye?"

"An innocent citizen that is trapped in the Castle of Doom! But if you mean literally, her and I were in the orphanage together. We sorta parted ways after she got adopted. I kinda don't remember who adopted her."

"I am sorry to hear that."

"Don't worry about it! I heard her guardians are in this town or the next town over, so I'm sure that I'll meet her again someday! When I do, I'll ask her to take me for a ride."

"Okay! That's good to know!"

Then, Ten and Five heard knocking on the bedroom door.

"Violet! Five! Brunch is ready!"

"Come on, Five, let's go!"

"Okay, Mabel!"

The purple Algebraliens ate their food and did that pretty fast.

"Mabel" was jumping around a little, happy to hear about the surprise.

Thirty-Six looked at Fifteen.

"Come on," he said. "Violet's excited, show him the surprise."

Fifteen stood up, walked over to "Mabel," and placed the orange Ten in front of them.

"Awwww," the curious violet number said happily. "They're so cute! What's their name?"

"Their name is Ten," said Five. "Just like yours."

"Oh, really?" The number, full of happiness, picked up the orange Ten.

"I'll call you Orange! You are so extravagant!"

The baby number looked up as they tried to pronounce the compliment.
"Es... ta... Es... tra..."

"Yes, you are extravagant!"

The orange baby was placed down on the ground as they used their hands to float into the air.

"Whoa! Their first power?! I never thought I'd see the day! How old are they?"

"Two weeks old," said Fifteen.

"Two weeks? That's the earliest I've ever seen an Algebralien develop their first power!"

"Well, you and I have both discovered something new today," said Five.

"We sure have! Later, Five! Bye, Orange!"

Fifteen and her kids then left the house. The purple Ten was still amazed.

"That's something I gotta write down. Don't you think so, Pa?"

"It's one for the books."

Word total: 585

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