Cooking With Golden Nine and Question Mark 🥺💜

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(Golden Nine and his friend Question Mark set up the video camera)

Question Mark: Okay, okay, what are we making?

Golden Nine: Check the recipe box. There are a bunch of things that could work out.

QM: How about...
An exploding cake? *pulls out recipe card*

GLN: *carefully takes recipe card from Question Mark* Hmmm...
This seems easy...

QM: *opens fridge* I read the recipe.
It said...
3 eggs,
1 ½ bags of flour,
4 tablespoons of sugar...
½ stick of butter...
2 cups of milk, 4 cups of baking soda...
6 teaspoons of salt, 4 ⅓ cups of vinegar... and an entire container of glitter!

GLN: You sure? (He checks the recipe, and it needs everything that his friend had mentioned in the exact amounts. Because Question Mark was no idiot.)

GLN: Yes! That's correct!

(The two friends gather ingredients and put all of the listed ingredients in the respective amounts into a big bowl. Then, Golden Nine grabbed a whisk.)

QM: *grabs recipe* Step one: Put all ingredients into a bowl and mix it until it looks smooth, besides the glitter.

GLN: The recipe is worded like that?

QM: Yeah. They must've forgotten their cooking terms.

(Golden Nine mixed the ingredients until the batter looked complete. Then, him and Question read the next part of the recipe.)

BOTH: Step two: Pour the now mixed batter into a metal tray.

GLN: The writer of this recipe truly forgot their cooking terminology.

QM: I agree.

(Question pours the batter into a baking pan. Then, she placed the big bowl full of weird cake batter and glitter into the sink nearby.)

GLN: Step four...
Put the baking cake pan into the oven. Note... please do not try this at home.

QM: They never said anything about the ovens or kitchen sets in furniture stores!

GLN: Yes, that's true, but we shouldn't vandalize the furniture in the stores.

QM: I never hinted that we WOULD. I just meant that someone may attempt to do that.

GLN: I get it now.

(The friends put on oven mitts that Golden Nine's parents owned and then put the cake batter pan into the oven.)

QM: Step four and a half...
Set the oven to 400° for... 5 to 10 minutes? That's a strange time.

GLN: Yeah. But let's finish the cake.

(Golden Nine set the oven to the instructed settings, then set a timer nearby to let them know when to get back. He and his friend went to his room to watch TV together.
The two friends spent the next few minutes watching cartoons until Question Mark heard a sound from the kitchen.
The cake.
She and Golden Nine hurried to the kitchen to turn off the timer only to find that Golden Nine's parents beat them to the oven.)

QM: Hello, Three - delion. Hello, Bronze Six. Me and my friend... we were, uh...

BRSX: Making a cake?

GLN: Yes. We were.

THRDE: It's... *examines cake* the Exploding Cake? Geniuses! I shouldn't be surprised that it looks like the actual bad recipe!

QM: Bad... recipe?

BRSX: Yes. Everyone - or almost everyone - hates this cake.

THRDE: *removes cake from oven* Exactly! Many cannot decode the seemingly atrocious recipe!

GLN: Perfect sense, you two.
Now, let's all enjoy the chemical reactions of the Exploding Cake!

(The four all had some fun around the lovely cake. Playing with a cake who doesn't judge you is the best.)

Word total; 570

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