Soapy's Rule Of Thirds 🥺💜🧡🖤

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TL;DR: Content warning for unintentional misgendering.

(Disclaimer in case I didn't show Soapy's redesign here, which I believe I did, but in case I didn't...

Soapy got a redesign and is now sort of seen as a different character with the same name as an older one, while simultaneously the same character. I gave her personality some tweaks so that they are less of a Mary Sue than they were before.

Also, this is shortly after Soapy came out as trans, so she may be referred to as a "he" by some characters who do not know about Soapy's identity.)


Soapy felt bored at lunch, and other than eating her food and messing around with a puzzle game she got, there was not much else to do.

She ate like normal when suddenly a piece of food flew towards her.

She dodged it.

But Soapy was somewhat knowledgeable when it came to food fights...

Don't throw one piece of food...

Throw three.

So, she got up and threw three spoonfuls of spaghetti individually in three different directions.

One of the spoonfuls hit Platy, who complained because he was supposed to be perfectly clean.

Which annoyed the two that also got hit, so they threw applesauce at him.

Platy threw celery in one direction, then Miss Direction got hit and threw some milk.

The milk hit Pan, so they launched a tray in surprise.

The tray hit Shardy Glass, who thought Soapy was the one who launched the tray.

"Did Soapy launch that?!"

"No, Shard. Look, there's Soapy. He's right over there. The tray came from a different direction, genius. He didn't launch it."

"Oh, okay. I thought she did it."


"Nothing. That was nothing."

"If you're sure, Shard."

Meanwhile, Soapy resumed throwing food and even got hit a few times due to their blind eye and even other reasons.

She still threw three spoonfuls of food or three pieces for every piece that hit her.

"There he is!"

"Oh! Who - What -"

"Oof! Haha, good one!" Soapy replied, because they, too, were a target.

Soapy kept her blind eye closed as she targeted other objects.

It was one of the best food fights ever - until a teacher monitoring the cafeteria woke up.

Soapy quickly sat down before the teacher got to the front and got hit with a ranch cup soon after.

One lecture and visit to the principal's office for encouraging and continuing a food fight later, and it still felt worth it for some fun.

Even Shardy Glass enjoyed it.

Word total: 426

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