Blanco's Speculation ❤️🎲🖤🔥🚶

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CW: mentioned hallucinations

The news cast had invited Blanco to give a BFDI speech, which was a theory.

Blanco researched info on the series and even binged a few episodes beforehand, but his memory wouldn't work enough to provide something accurately.

He headed on to the set, pulled out a paper that had poorly written points on it, and cautiously started reading.

"Ahem. My name is... Blanco, and... I am here to provide... a false theory of BFDI..."

One of the news anchors facepalmed.

"Get on with it, Blanco!"

"BFDI... Battle for Dream Island...
is a competition show... that may not be what many... think."

Blanco nervously looked at the part in him where his mold had formed.

"Announcer -" Blanco got cut off by a corrupted flashback.


"ªŕĕ ƴøų æłřįğĥţ?"


Blanco looked around the studio.

"I heard a memory... it's far away..."

Two news anchors looked at each other.

"Are you SURE that Blanco's the one for this?"

"I'm sure he's fine."

"He LITERALLY passed out! Are you serious?!"

"No. He is fine."

"I will steal your money for a new rare toy."

"Go ahead."

At this point, Blanco was on the ground, a little dizzy and swapping between seeing things and saying the "theory."

"We don't know where Two - Announcer? Anyone? Hello? - places - brings the contestants - HELLO?! Anyone?"

The news reporters realized that Blanco needed help immediately.

They called 911 and waited.

Announcer arrived at the scene with those who had been called for.

He went over to Blanco.

"Blanco, it's me. We're childhood friends, remember?"

Blanco looked up at the distorted Announcer and shouted

Then he blacked out.

Announcer looked at everyone else, who were now seemingly frozen.

He carefully took Blanco and left.

He went to a secret area - a hospital room that existed not far away from his house.

Announcer checked the moldy area of Blanco and decided to try to fix him.

It could work.


Part 2 of this coming soon.

Word total: 331

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