🤣 How Lower y and Value Seven were born 🌌🎲🖤

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CW for cheating/mentions of cheating and swearing. A LOT OF IT.

This story isn't meant to be taken seriously, but I put a warning just in case.

Inspo: DoriNotABot  with one of their 3 am story chapters

Margot-Dude on DA

Also stupid Grammarly


One day Pink Seven and Negative Three were chilling with absolutely fucking nothing to do.

Then A and B entered the stupid plaza.

They fucking strolled as slow as they possibly could fucking go.

Then, they flopped on to the table with FLAIR


A looked at Pink Seven and B looked at Negative Three with fucking  P R I D E  🚸🚸🚸🚸

The cheater asses knew what they were meant to do (or thought to 🥰😍)

A and Pink Seven went on the love seesaw and B and Negative Three got on another.

Then, the two seesaws spun so fast that they almost collided.

Then, THE EGGGS ARRIVED ON the seesaws individually.


Luckily, the now separate couples (who weren't even couples prior to A and Pink Algebralien Demon Spawn and B and Three To The Left of Fucking Zero getting together) didn't make the eggs into omelets (shame)

Then about like idk a few bout months later the eggs hatched.

A and Pink's child was named Value Seven
B and Negative's child was named Lower y.

And so many fucking years later the childs grew up and married and died.

T H E  E N D .

🚸7️⃣💗↪️🔡🈂️ 😚😚😙😙🦷 💀 ☠️ ✨️✨️🔅🔆‼️⁉️❔️❕️

Word total cuz I didn't take shit seriously ib this chapter and I don't care lel (plus revenge of the emojis ha): 300

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